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Wooyoung's pov:

I run.

I run faster than I've ever ran before. Almost as if someone's chasing me, threatening to take my life.

In a sense that's true. 

The voice that finally gave up on trying to get me to return at Gayeon's door is now trying to convince me on what a loser I am. And how much of a pathetic waste of space I am.

I don't disagree with them though. But I push that away as I try to increase my speed even more, my heart feeling overworked and beating out of my chest.

I realize that I completely forgot about having a cab as an option nearly meters away from our dorm. The muscles of my legs burn as I will myself to keep going.

Just a bit more.

I'm almost there.

I feel a stitch in my stomach as my legs slow down, tears I was unaware of falling down my cheeks and past my lips. I wince at the unpleasant sensation before finally reaching the huge iron gates to our dorms.

I can't-do this

My whole body is on fire. I ignore the little voice that begs me to rest and stop moving.

I laugh as the cool breeze attempts to freeze the tears running down my face.

"Hah" I laugh at no one as I dart past the security guard, ignoring his concerned "Wooyoung?"


I must get to San

The voices inside me decide to stop reminding me how pathetic I am.

Take a break. Stop running, they chime in. 

I scoff at myself before breaking into a run again. My body feels weak as I faintly recognize the blurry silhouette of someone at the steps to our dorm.


"San!" I hear myself shout at the figure, my voice battling against the cold air as my body begs me to give up.

Give up. You can always talk tomorrow

I laugh and continue running towards him, his pearly white jacket standing out clearly through the dark.


This time he hears me. I don't stop running till I finally reach him, nearly collapsing at his feet.


His eyes are unfocused as he looks at me in confusion.


"San it's me Wooyoung" I manage to say before gasping for air and falling. I feel his arms catch me, his unsteady body swaying with the strain of mine.

"San I-I-"


I glance up just in time to prevent myself from being thrown against the wall.

"What the fuck do you want from me?"

The venom in his voice momentarily immobilizes me. I feel my body tremble as more tears threaten to fall. I try to reach over to him but get shoved away roughly. A deft swing; he's definitely drunk.

"Keep. The. Fuck. Away from me."  He spits at me before trying to stagger up the stairs. I clench my fists in an attempt to muster the last ounce of strength in me.

"San wait!" I try to cling on to his arm but my knees end up giving away causing me to drag him down with me. His eyes dart around in confusion before focusing on me again.


His eyes narrow at me as his body begins to shake. I cower under a look of hatred I've never seen on him and flinch as he raises his arm to punch me. 

He pulls down the sleeve of his jacket instead.

"See this? I hope you're proud. Happy fucking birthday to me" 

He lets out a sick laugh as my eyes widen in horror.

He-he cut himself?

My eyes blur with tears as he pushes me to the ground before struggling to stand up.

I did this.

I did this to him

I shudder as the words that once brought a proud smile to my face now render me useless. As useless as the dirt on the floor San's stepping on. He begins to walk away but I grab on to his leg.

"San I'm sorry I'm so so sorry San please-" I gasp in pain as I feel his boot connect with my stomach.

"Get out of the way you fucking hypocrite. Was the sex so bad that you gotta lick my shoes for forgiveness?" I let out a pathetic sob as he snickers before stalking away, leaving me on the ground as I curl into a ball. 


San's pov:

I kicked him.

I fucking kicked him.

He fucking deserved it though

I run my hand along the railing as I stagger upstairs, my head pounding and my thoughts driving me crazy.

I wanted to kiss him.

After all that. I wanted to fucking kiss him.

I kicked him instead.

I pinch my temples as I feel a headache brewing. I snort out loud as I fumble for my keys.

Must've been terrible if he had to come running back to me, the pathetic wimp. 

The 'faggot'

I yank my door open and stumble inside, my palm still stinging from where it hit the ground when he fell.

I fall straight to my bed as my head explodes in pain.

I can wash up later.

Wooyoung's pov:

I don't know how long I lay there for. My breathing turns increasingly worse as I try to breathe in between the sobs I choke out.

I did that to him

It takes me another eon to finally lift myself off the floor.

My mind refocuses on my target, I feel like an auto programmed robot as I force my body to function and climb up the stairs.


I need San.

I clamber to the top and try to catch my breath when I notice his open door.


My aching body is filled with a sudden boost of energy as I find myself running again. Towards the open door.

Towards San

A blinding pain shoots through my veins and I stagger on my feet, losing balance.

Give up


I bite my lip as I focus on every new step I take, the faint taste of blood making me nauseas.

San. I'm almost there.

I'm almost there

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