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San's pov:

I loosen my arms around Wooyoung when I hear the sheer bafflement in his voice. He's looking down at something and suddenly I feel the delayed sensations I should've felt before this caught his attention and feel my face flush red before I even follow his eyes to what he's looking at.

"I'm-I'm sorry I--I didn't mean to-I didn't know-I'm-fuck" I hear myself mutter a string of hopeless incoherent words even as I know I probably fucked up big time. Again.

What was I thinking?? I was too engrossed in drowning in the bliss of finally being able kiss the lips I'd dreamed of for years. Too lost in the warmth that was spreading across my chest to notice what else was happening. 

Of course kissing the one person I've held back from since the first day I met him would drive me to an edge. 

Wooyoung remains staring (obnoxiously, if I may add) at the tent formed in my jeans which I attempt to cover by pulling away. "I'm so sorry Woo I didn't mean to-I mean I didn't expect-"

"S'okay" I hear his words rush out fast, almost as if they escaped his mouth before he gave them permission to. "Ahem" he clears his throat and brings his gaze upwards to meet mine and repeats what he said. "It's okay..Sannie. I was just..I didn't expect..I mean..it's just me-"

The ridiculosity of his words make me forget the state of embarrassment I'm in and I let out a laugh of disbelief. "What? You think you out of all people, Jung Wooyoung the literal God of sexiness and every atinys dream, CAN'T turn me on? Won't  turn me on??" I watch his expression of doubt turn into one of embarrassment as he hits my chest playfully.

"pft. Oh please. Spare me from the mock flattery"  I grin at the usual sarcasm that has returned to his voice. 

" I'm not joking though. You--you literally do turn me on" I regret saying the words as soon as they escape my mouth. Pretty sure I sound like a creep now. The creep that gets turned on by his best friend of years. 

Fortunately, Wooyoung doesn't run away screaming. 

"I would've argued with that if this were another circumstance" Wooyoung says pointedly looking down and smirking. As embarrassed as I feel about the conversation we're having right now, the familiar ring of sarcasm and his taunting smirk make me feel all warm inside.

 He's back. My annoying best friend. My soulmate I can't imagine life without.

I smile at him not hearing a word he speaks, seeing his eyes light up, animated once again, his smile lines back and evident on his face. His nose scrunching up as he tries to say something without laughing and fails.

"San? Choi San have I stolen your heart already? Are you that far gone?" the smirk he does while tickling me under my chin as he says these words break me out of my trance and I find myself going red once again. I try to come up with a witty answer to his question but end up being unable to utter anything but one word.


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