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Yunho's pov:

I feel my eyes twitch at the distant voices coming from down the hall. I lazily open one eye and glance at the boy sleeping next to me before going back to sleep.

~Hardly five minutes later~

"Huh" I groan in annoyance as the voices wake me up for the second time.

Who tf is screaming in the middle of the night?

I shift in bed so that I'm facing Mingi. Well he's asleep. I blindly rub my eyes before deciding to get more sleep. I throw my arm around Min's waist and close my eyes again, determined to not open them no matter what.

Not even a minute later, I jolt at the loud crash that breaks through the night and stare at Mingi in panic before quickly climbing out of bed, trying not to wake him up as I do so.

Who on earth is throwing shit around NOW? In the middle of the fcking-oh

I stare at the time on my phone and shake my head. 6:45? Well I guess it's not the middle of the night then.

I'm about to walk to the door when I hear Mingi's groggy voice.


"Min you're awake!" I rush back to him. 

"Where are you goin?" He stares at me through the dark and I smile.

 Best to let him sleep

"To the washroom. I need to pee. I'll be back soon okay?"


I start walking towards the door as I hear more shouting but abruptly stop before turning and bending over his sleeping figure.

"Sleep well baby" I lean over and give his forehead a kiss before walking out of the room and closing the door quietly.

I scan my surroundings before seeing something on the ground and hurrying over; only to find a broken phone with a shattered screen.

What even

The screaming has stopped and there's complete silence around me but something in my stomach doesn't feel right as I find myself involuntarily climbing the stairs. What I come across makes my body lurch.

I stare at the blood splatters on the carpet and the knife dripping with blood before noticing San and Wooyoung in the corner, almost molding in with the shadows of the dark. I stare in horror as I watch San's body convulse with violent sobs as he cradles Wooyoung against him, blood flowing down Woo's arm and on to the floor.

I have to yank myself out of the state of shock I'm in before running over to them.

"what the actual- San? SAN? WHAT HAPPENED SAN" I shake his shoulder to get his attention but he just hugs wooyoung tighter against him and goes back staring blankly ahead, silent tears flowing in between his little gasps for air.

I feel dizzy as I back off and call the only name that comes to mind at the top of my lungs.

"Mingi. MINGI PLEAS--MINGI!!!!" 

Hongjoong's pov:

We travel in silence and I hear him nervously tap the window in an unsteady pace. This somehow bothers me even more.

"Can you not?" I mutter glancing at Hwa who nods and stops immediately before looking out the window.

How and why is Jongho-

I frown as I hear the tapping begin again. But this time I don't say anything and stare outside through the opposite window.

We make it there in around a seven minute ride and Hwa hops out of the car even before the driver gets a chance to park it properly.

I rush out after him as he runs into the bar and almost jam into him as he freezes dead in his tracks at the boy passed out on the table.

His worried voice rings loud as the other customers turn and stare. Hwa rushes over to him and gently runs his hand through the unconscious boys hair while I remain frozen feeling the guilt creeps up on me.

This happened under my watch. While I was still there 

I should've been there for him. Been the pillar he could have leaned on instead of-this

I feel my stomach twist in an unpleasant way as I remember Wooyoung.

I wasn't there for him either

I find myself slowly backing away as I look at Jongho's still form. My thoughts run wild as unwelcome images of things I don't want to imagine infiltrate my brain.

What would have happened to Wooyoung if he wasn't heard that day?

What could've happened to Jongho if he didn't pass out in a crowded bar and in a lonely alley way instead?

I pull a chair and sit down quickly as I feel my balance go unsteady.

I look at the tears falling down Hwa's face as he tries to shake Jongho awake again and again, his face contorted in worry and horror. I stare at him as he finally gives up and sinks to the chair beside Jongho before trying to shake him awake again. 

This is the second incident that happened within my knowledge. I watch uselessly as he begins questioning the staff, his voice slightly quaking exposing the emotions he tries to hide. I only know about these two incidents because I happened to be there.

How many more times have I stood blind and ignorant, forcing him to deal with shit alone?


This is honestly a filler chapter because I'm too tired to write the next part which obviously needs to be written properly.

Don't worry. Tired as in I need to go to bed and catch the sleep I've been missing tired XD 

Ohh plus guess who also has a fat crush on her best friend?? Hehet

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