Yunho's pov:

"I'm sorry"

I stare at him without saying anything. Not like it would matter, seeing that whatever reassurance I gave him during the past few minutes completely passed through his ears unacknowledged.

"I didn't know Seonghwa would react like that" He huffs at my silence and walks ahead of me.

"Hey it's okay. And it's not something they can avoid talking about forever" I mentally prepare for his next apology.

"Yeah but. I feel so horrible. I'm sorry" I catch up to him and shove him in the shoulder.

"How many times are you gonna say that again? And to me?? I'm not the one that faced Hwa's wrath" I watch as he pouts while looking straight ahead.

"Yeah but I'm sorry"

"Jeez Min! For what?? I'm pretty sure they won't hold this against you. They won't even remember this by tomorrow!"

He stops walking to frown at me.

"But I was being insensitive"

"No you weren't"

"Yes I was"

I sigh in exasperation. "Okay what do you want me to say then??"

He avoids my eyes and digs at a heap of snow with his boot. 

"I want you to forgive me"

I blink in confusion. Me?

"Huh? Me? why would I forgive you?" I quickly correct myself as his eyes begin to widen.

"I mean. You've done nothing wrong to me. Or anyone. Min just give it a break. It's just a small mistake"

"But the way you perceive me isn't" I stare at him in amusement before schooling my features.

And THEN there are times when he becomes so serious that I can't even believe he's the same boy that giggles at a floppy penis.

"Mingi. Nothing changed in the-"

"I'm not insensitive. I was just excited. I was so happy that they were finally together that I completely forgot what Hwa can be like"

"Of course you aren't insensitive. And I understand 'cause I was super excited too when I saw them come in together." Mingi nods before continuing to walk. I follow him in silence.

"Do you-think that I'm a horrible person?" 

If this was anyone else I would've already rolled my eyes at least a dozen times by now. 

"No I don't Min. Yes you did make a mistake but that doesn't make you a horrible person. or make me think you're one" He doesn't look convinced enough so I try to put things in a different way.

"Say, I turned into a horrible person. Would you stop loving me?" He stares at me in disbelief.


"So what makes you think I would?"

He furrows his eyebrows and walks silence. I link my arm with his as we walk down the sidewalk covered with a blanket of snow.

"So you're saying that..even if I did turn into a bad person-" I nod encouragingly.

"You would still like me? Even if I'm insensitive sometimes and don't think before I speak?" I know that this is my turn to reassure him that he's not, in fact a horrible person. Definitely not for making one tiny mistake.

But knowing him, that isn't what he wants to hear.

We stop walking at the foot of a tree, it's branches bare and covered with snow. I turn to face him as he does the same, his mouth set in a firm line.

"Yes I would. You could show me all your flaws, all the thoughts you hide from the world and everything you don't want me to know about you. And I'd still continue to love you."

I beam at the redness that spreads along his pale skin as he shoves me in the chest playfully.

"I asked you if you'd like me. Not love me" I grin back at him before answering.

"I don't see a difference"

He laughs at me and I feel my heart skip as I hear his low chuckle. Years of having him laugh into my ear but it still sounds just as magical as it did the first time. I stare at him and step back.

"Where are you-"

"Wait. Don't move" I pull my phone out from the pocket of my coat before switching the cam on and trying to fit Mingi in the frame. I step back enough to fully capture him and admire the sight in front of me.

"Yuyu what are you doing?" I put my finger to my lips and signal for him to be quiet before pressing the red button. The snow swirls around him as he stands in his long brown trench coat, tall and mysterious with the tree glistening in white adding more magic to the frame.

"Are you videoing me?"

I don't bother answering as I start inching towards him, the snow around us getting heavier and heavier.

Who knew Mingi under a tree could be so magical?

I stop in front of him as he squints at my phone.

"If you are  videoing me I'm gonna look pretty awful in this angle" I ignore him and continue trying to capture his beauty into something tangible. Something I can keep forever. 

Aside from him of course.

I focus on his eyes, slightly squinting at our close proximity and blinking in confusion. I try to capture the little snowflakes that land on his long eyelashes. And the snowflakes that put up a fight to stay intact as his warm skin causes them to melt.


I put my finger on his lips and he shuts up pretty fast. 

His nose. I try to zoom in on the sharp slope of his nose as I run one finger down it, earning a slight giggle from him.

I meet his eyes and smile before moving to his lips. I adjust the camera's focus to capture their perfect shape, the corners of his mouth that always turn upwards. He laughs again as I trace my finger along the corners of his mouth, but quickly stops laughing as I run my thumb over his bottom lip.

I feel his warm breath against my skin, a burning contrast to the cold air biting on our faces. He meets my eyes before lightly kissing my finger. 

"I love you" I melt under his words and soft gaze before removing my thumb and gently replacing it with my lips. He doesn't waste time in pulling me closer and easing the freezing coldness away with his body. I marvel at how simple but good it feels, to connect my soul with his in a pure and innocent kiss. 

I pull back for air and watch his face color with a bright shade of pink.

"I love you too" 

He shyly smiles at me before pulling me back into him, our bodies shielding each other against the wild snow as the wind howls around us.

Years and years and I can never get over the feeling.

And I don't think I ever want to.

Hongjoong's pov:

I roll up my window and give up on trying to call them. I guess they don't need a ride after all. I take one last look and Yungi under the tree before driving off leaving them behind.

No one knows I'm coming home early.

 Hwa's in for a surprise, I guess.


I love yungi:(

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