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Wooyoung's pov:

I wake up to the sound of rain pounding against my window. I reach over for my phone and check the time. 

6 a.m.

I groan and fall back against my pillow ignoring the sight headache I have rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I try to get myself to wake up. Why?

Because I want to see San.

Even in my drowsiness I feel my heart beat increase in pace as yesterdays events play through my brain. I grin like an idiot as I replay the sounds I caused San to make.

I did that. I made Sannie weak for me

I finally pull myself out of bed and brush my teeth before sitting in front of my closet and trying to find something to wear. 

I wonder if he's still asleep

I smile to myself as I pull my clothes on and silently open the door and walk down the hallway towards the stairs.


I pause and look down at my phone and frown at the unknown number before hesitantly pressing answer.

"Hello..?" I ask in confusion. No one really knows my number. Well except the few people that I have given it to.

My body goes cold at the familiar drawl that answers me.

"Youngie! No time no see eh?"

Seonghwa's pov:

I hesitantly knock on the door in front of me and hold my breath. I know he's awake right now. He's always the first one to wake up among the 8 of us.

"Hello? Did someone knock?" I hear his cautious voice and smile.

"Yeah..it's me..seonghwa" There's a brief silence before I hear shuffling and footsteps towards the door.

"Hey.." He opens the door and gives me a smile that I return in relief.


"..um. you can come in..if you want to.." He trails off and I nod before walking past him to sit on his bed. He quietly shuts the door before turning to face me.

"I didn't know you wake up this early" He laughs in a slightly teasing tone and I fake glare before going slightly pink.

"I don't. I woke up to catch you before you leave" I watch as his face softens for a moment before he coughs and looks at me in confusion.

"How did you know that I was gonna lea-"

"Cz that's what you always do" I cut him off before I can stop myself. My tone comes out harsher than I expected and I quickly look away from him.

I stare at the objects cluttered on the mini table next to his bed.

He goes silent for a bit before speaking again. "I. Yeah I guess. I'm sorry".  I scoff at him before replying.

"Why are you apologizing? it's not like I care"

Calm down hwa, I feel myself get worked up and bounce my left knee up and down.

"Right. Yeah. I just..felt that I should. that's all" His voice is quiet and I sigh.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that" I fidget with the strings of my hoodie as I avoid looking at him. I listen to the silence envelope us and feel my heart hurt as I realize how different things are now.

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