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Jongho's pov:

I slump onto the couch in Hwa's room in boredom. Yunho and Mingi were supposed  to come over to keep me company but I guess they forgot.

Or they're probably fucking

I wince as I realize the wrong turn in my thoughts. 

It was a mistake to agree to him when he said he wanted to check on woosan.

It was a mistake to agree to sit down 'on guard' with him outside their door.

It was a mistake to reply to his sudden confession when I could've easily brushed it off with a dismissive shrug.

It was a mistake to rush towards the store even after he rushed to our room without me, a mistake to have looked for his favorite chicken and walked an extra mile just to bring a smile on his face.

It was a mistake to even have thought of having a special dinner with him, and perhaps even getting a hug afterwards

It was definitely a mistake to stand in front of OUR door as he jerked himself off to another man.

Not that I care.

I definitely don't.  It was a mistake. All of it. I've never been gay, I was convinced I was straight until he came along.

A mistake. Straight. I was never gay and never will be. It was all just a stupid mistake.

Yeosang was just another mistake.

Yunho's pov

"Talk to him about your new ponytail chronicles" I whisper in Mingi's ear before hurrying after San.

"San. San!" He doesn't appear to hear me as he stalks down the corridor, far away from the 'washroom' he used the excuse to get out with.

I run after him as he reaches the corner stairs and starts climbing them.

"San! Where are you going!?" He stops walking for a bit to eye me, clearly annoyed.

"Go back to the room. Make sure Wooyoung's occupied" I nod as he starts climbing again. I quickly hasten my pace to follow him.

"Min's already on that. Where are you going San? what are you gonna do??" This time he doesn't stop to reply.

"His room"

"...oh? Oh. You have his key.." I trail back in uncertainty. "You know he's probably gonna kill you when he finds out right?"

San finally stops climbing and turns to face me.

"And that's why he never is. I'm glad you came actually. You're gonna stand outside and give me a quick knock if anyone comes okay?"

I stare at him before weighing my options.

I mean..it's not as if he's prying for a bad reason..

Plus I'm pretty sure he'd keep his mouth shut even if he finds Wooyoung's  'San collection'.

"Okay fine." He nods at me before fishing for the key in his pocket and walking towards the locked door.

He manages to open it immediately and steps in signaling for me to stand a few steps away before closing and locking the door from inside. 

I try not to look suspicious as I lean against the wall and begin to scroll through my phone.

San's pov:

I carefully step over the messy pile of clothes on the floor and walk over to his cupboard. This would be the first place to look right?

I open the first drawer and try not to let the guilt inside consume me. I feel under the piles of clothes before closing it and moving on to the next one.

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