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Seonghwa's pov:

I make my way towards his room and try not to listen to the little voice in my head.

Don't do it Hwa. Don't do it

"Heh" Why should I protect them anyways? He has a right to know.

I stop in front of his room and contemplate for a few seconds before placing a hesitant knock on his door.


I hear a lot of shuffling before the footsteps to the the door swing it open.

"Hyung?" He looks at me in surprise as I hurriedly invite myself in. Don't want anyone to see me here.

"Yes hi. I have something to tell you" I blurt out as he looks me up and down skeptically.

"You could've texted me. Or given me a call later. I was about to sleep"

I sigh at his annoyed expression before pointing at the space next to me. He raises an eyebrow and doesn't oblige.

"It's something important. Well at least I think it is..so sit down Jongho" I scoot over as he glares and sits next to me. I look at his knee bouncing in agitation and sigh again before I speak.

"So..it's about Yeosang"

I don't meet his eyes as he snaps at me.

"And why do you think that little scum'll be important to me?"

"Because. Something happened" I feel my throat close up and mentally curse at myself.

You don't care, Hwa. He's nothing to you

"Okay? Look Hyung. I really need to sleep now-"

"Jongho please. This is really hard on me" I blink back at the stinging sensation my eyes bring me. Jongho falls silent before quietly speaking.

"I assume Hongjoong's involved if it's this bad for you"

I gulp before nodding.

"Ye-yeah. He is" I turn to face his emotionless face and try to gather the strength to say what I want to say. If he notices my struggle, he doesn't comment on it.

"Jongho I-I just wanted to talk to him. To apologize. So I went down to his room..the spare one" He nods at me and I continue.

"And I was gonna knock when I heard Yeosang's voice" His expression doesn't change and I blink back the stupid tears that threaten to fall.

"And-and there was this window. It was open and I-I-"

"Just say it Hyung"

I meet his cold eyes and swallow before spitting it out like a bad aftertaste of alcohol.

"They slept with each other"

He shows no reaction, highly in contrast with the ridiculous sniffles I hear myself produce. maybe he didn't understand.

"Naked. They slept-they had se-"

"I know what sleeping together means hyung" I stare at his face, an unreadable expression meeting my broken one.

I stay quiet and try to calm myself down as he stays equally silent and stares thoughtfully at me. I blink at him through my tears and meet his calculating eyes.


His lips turn upwards as he thinks some more.

"Slept together. How sure are you-"

"I saw Hongjoong in Yeosang, Jongho. I'm not delu-"

He cuts me off with a chuckle. 

"Are you a bottom or a top, hyung?" I just stare at him, my tears suddenly not flowing anymore.

"Why-does that matter? What do you-"

"Let me guess. You're a top" I stare at him and he meets my baffled stare with a smile.

"Well that's too bad. I'm a top too"




"Jongho if you think I'm gonna-"

"C'mon hyung it's only fair" My eyes widen as he smiles at me again, his smile not meeting his eyes. I immediately shake my head.

"No. that is..I'm sorry but that is just vile. You are literally my youngest so-"

"No. I'm Choi Jongho. And I'm not your son"

"How dare you-"

"I dare"

I stare at him before coming up with another excuse.

"I'm not a bottom"

"You never know till you try"


"Who are you saving yourself for? Hongjoong?"

Am I? Pft nah 

"No. I can sleep with whoever I want"


"Jongho I've never in my life thought about sleeping with you"

"Neither have I. You're not special, hyung"

I sigh and look at my shoes. 

Hongjoong got with Yeosang. And I'm still trying to-

"I want you to tell me what you want. Directly. Not through questions about my posi-"

"I wanna sleep with you hyung" His eyes radiate a sparkle that wasn't there when I arrived. I drum my fingers against the bed in doubt.

"Think about it. Him and Joong. Me and you."

Yeo and Joong.

 Jongho and me.

It's only fair

I stare at his expectant face, finally a color of emotion on it as he continues to bounce his knee up and down. Unwanted images of Yeosang under Hongjoong flood through my mind.

The way their bodies were moving, the way Yeosang's nails scratched on to his back, the way he moaned Yeo's name instead of mine.

I look up at Jongho and meet his eyes before shrugging my sweater off and nodding slowly. Yeosang's strangled "hyung" replays loud through my ears as I finally give him my answer.


Ah fuck. I can't believe you done this

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