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Wooyoung's pov:

I wrap my jacket around me for the nth time as I try not to let the panic consume me. Hongjoong came to pick us up an hour early and surprisingly, we were allowed to leave. Well. I was allowed to leave. San was there by choice.


I sneak a glance at the boy next to me, his head resting on the seat with his long legs cramped in the limited space of the vehicle.

Since when was he so tall?

I look at my leg space and glare at my feet which have no problem in being accommodated in the cramped up car Hongjoong owns.

Nothing on his car though. I grin at the thought of his offended expression before remembering how things actually  are. In all actuality, we haven't spoken anything that wasn't necessary to say. There was no Wooyoung what happened or Wooyoung I'm sorry for acting like you're the most useless shit in our group.

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating. But you get the point.

It was only short questions like  'did you eat?' or 'how's your hand?' or if he's feeling generous a 'what would you like me to bring from the store today?'. His only response to my answers would be a curt nod before he quickly avoids meeting my eyes as If they'd give him the plague.

But I could see he cared. I can see it right now too as he drove all the way in his own car just to pick me and San up from the hospital when he could've easily sent us a taxi. I can see it in the lollipops he bought me from the store that are currently buried in my sleeve pocket. Speaking of,

"Sannie, do you want a lollipop?" I ask breaking the deafening silence around us. I feel insecure  as soon as I say his name and stare at the floor.

"A lollipop? Sure!" I look up at his enthusiastic tone despite the worry lines clear on his otherwise smooth skin and the dark bags underneath his tired eyes. I attempt to push away the rising lump in my throat as I fish in my pocket for the items I'm looking for.

I can see how hard he's trying. And that just makes me wanna give up and surrender to his touch every time the occasion arises for our skin to brush against each others.

But I can't.

Not until he knows everything. I can't let the same thing happen twice.

I mentally shoo the distasteful thoughts away as I pull out two lollipops. Pink and green. 

"pink or green?" I ask him and I watch his expression turn thoughtful. "What color would you want if you had to choose with your eyes closed?" He questions back. He's been doing that a lot lately, answering me in question form. I don't mind it though.

"I asked first. So you tell me" I tell him raising an eyebrow in the process. "No you tell me" He argues back and I find myself wanting to laugh. Here we are, back to the bickering. Almost like before.

"No" I state firmly and watch his expression go equally stern.

"I like both colors. That's why I want you to choose" He pouts after saying this and I feel my heart flutter. I know  why he's not choosing.

"I won't get mad at you for choosing what I like" I tell him slowly, reversing our roles just for a few seconds. His eyes widen before he decides to brush it off with a laugh.

"Fine. Just give me whatever you want. or don't  want" This time it's my turn to let my eyes widen as I realize he's not planning on giving up.

I check the mirror in front and catch Hongjoong's eye before seeing him avert his gaze back to the road, a small smile playing on his lips.

I turn to San, full on battle mode switched on.

"You choose if you want me to give you what I like or what you think I don't like which can easily be what I actually like"  

I take one look at his baffled expression before exploding into a fit of giggles, my laugh echoing through the night

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