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Wooyoung's pov:

I wake up in the middle of a dream I would've rather finished seeing. The extra brightness of my surrounding momentarily confuses me as I blink trying to remember where I am. I squirm against the sheets that are plastered to my skin and curse under my breath.

"Who the fuck-"  I stare at the unmoving fan above me before feeling my face color.

San. I'm in San's room 

I hurriedly sit up in bed and make a sore attempt at taming my messy hair before eyeing the room around me. 

Well San's no where to be seen.

I look back at the sunken hollow on the bed that my body must have formed overnight.

I slept with San. On his bed

I blink my eyes furiously willing the color to leave my face. The last thing I need is Sannie teasing me for blushing first thing in the morning.

In his bed.

I look around before glancing at my watch and thinking. He's probably downstairs. I lean over and peer at the far switch of his bathroom and sigh in relief.

It's switched off.

So he is  downstairs.

I fall back against his pillow and stare at his ceiling while my stomach fills with an annoyingly pleasant swarm of butterflies as I remember what happened yesterday night. Yeo's annoying face tries to pop in but I firmly push the traumatizing memory away and rub my fingers along my neck.

 I wonder if..

I'm not disappointed as I check my reflection through my phone to find my neck decorated with little purple bruises all over. My happy smirk disappears as I press my lips together and wince.

Damn you San. Did you kiss me or fucking rip my lips apar-

My thoughts are disturbed by another discovery. I stare down at the obnoxious tent in my short before going red and yanking the sheets back on.

Oh wait. San's gone

I keep the sheets over me however as my mind wanders to the not so pure parts of last night. My face feels hot as I remember how I bucked my hips against San's as he was hovering above me. Choi San on top of me.

Something I've always wanted but never had the guts to admit

I shiver as I remember the emotions that rushed through me as I felt his fingers hook on to the waist band of my shorts. Not gonna lie, I kind of expected him to continue. No.

I wanted him to continue

I lost all rational thinking when he started acting all mad and jealous. Not that I enjoy  being yelled at but I can't help the fact that I find him hot when he's mad. Which is one of the million other things on my list of 'things not to tell Choi San'.

I turn over and bury my face in his pillow, inhaling his scent and feeling the butterflies wake up again. I press my lips together as I remember how he hissed in my ear, the way I could smell him, his scent almost blinding me with the desire to have him.

And I almost did.

Damn you for being such a goody two shoes San

I grin into his pillow before sniffing it one more time and deciding to finally get out of bed. I peel the sheets off my sweaty skin and groan in annoyance. I completely forget my 'problem' as I glare at the fan in disgust.

"Why on earth would he-ugh" I stagger towards the bathroom and stop mid way to appreciate the beauty of his pot plant in the corner of his room.


I walk over to it and touch the little spikes of his cactus and almost end up puncturing my valuable fingers at the sound of San's voice.

"They're actually pretty sharp. I wouldn't touch that if I were you"

I spin around and almost pass out at the sight in front of me.

"W-why are you..shirtless?" I watch as his concerned expression turns to one of amusement.

"I was having a bath so yeah. Unless you  bathe fully clothed." I ignore the heat that rushes up my face as I glare at him.

"Hahaha. very funny. I thought you were gone. I thought you left me" I don't know why my voice breaks at the last sentence. I blush before clearing my throat and looking at him.

Big mistake.

My body acts funny as I take in his broad shoulders, drops of water decorating his pale skin. I try not to look past his face as I hear him speak to me, but find that impossible when I notice the second towel he has around his waist.

My eyes greedily take in his toned stomach and abs dripping with water and I feel my stomach do something weird again. I don't even bother to close my mouth as I stare down at the water pooling down his legs and on to the floor.

I'm brought back to my senses by an amused laugh.

"Your mouth is open, Wooyoung"

I immediately close my mouth and glare at him. "Yeah well it's not my fault you're walking around naked when you clearly have guests to be civilized around". He rolls his eyes before walking towards me. I hold my breath as he steps closer and closer, every step he takes doing something to my already frantic heart.

"What-what are you doing?" I don't step back as he invades my personal space and lifts his hand to caress the side of my face.

"Did you sleep okay?" His voice is light and musical and I feel my eyes automatically close. I quickly force them open again.

"It was..yeah. I slept good" I mentally curse at the stutter to my voice as he smiles at me through his crescent shaped eyes. My heart immediately does it's thing as I melt at his ethereal beauty. I have to pinch myself to stop myself from swooning over how good he looks.

and smells.

I think of the fan instead.

"You!" I poke my finger at his chest and glare at him. "Why on earth did you switch the fan off huh? I woke up drenched in sweat you idiot" I glare some more as his confused face breaks into a grin of relief.

"Oh that. I did that on purpose so you'd wake up and shower" I'm about to flick my finger on his forehead and knock the grin off his face when he stops my hand mid air. I freeze as he leans towards me and I feel his lips brush against my ear.

"You better take care of that  btw" My brain is so clouded with all the things that would happen if I take advantage of his loosely wrapped towel that I don't realize what he's talking about.

"take care? of..w-what?" I shiver as he laughs into my ear before holding onto my shoulders and pulling back. 


He stares straight into my eyes and I feel my heart flutter.

"that-what?" I question again dumbly, still lost in the galaxies sparkling in his eyes. My eyes widen as he laughs before leaning towards me again and lightly slapping my butt. 

"That "  this time his eyes leave mine and travel down my body before stopping at my clothed erection. I open my mouth but no words come as he touches my cheek before laughing and leaving me in a worser state than I was.

I stare down at myself for three full seconds before running to his bathroom and slamming the door shut.

"The sheer nerve-"

I shake my head and allow the heat to envelope me before leaning against the wall in embarrassment.

Well at least I know he didn't leave me


Hi:) yáll have instagram? drop ur @ I'm bored

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