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San's pov:

I momentarily freeze as he pulls my head forward to connect my lips with his. I feel any rational thinking I have leave my body as he clumsily begins to move his lips on mine.

His hand grabs at the back of my hoodie and I wrap my arms around his waist while I attempt to chase his honey lips . Somewhere in the middle of ecstasy, my thoughts suddenly snap back to reality.

I quickly pull away from him and start opening my mouth to speak but I'm cut off by him roughly pulling me back into him, his lips crashing into mine and moving in a hurried rhythm I once again attempt to catch.

My body fills with a fire I've been trying hard to ignore as I allow his hands to roam all over my back with him constantly shifting on his feet to bring our bodies closer.

Pull away San

Pull awa-

I try to listen to my head but fail miserably when I feel a new sensation against my lips. I suppress a groan as I feel Wooyoung's tongue hurriedly run over my bottom lip. I forget all resistance and immediately oblige to his request as I pull him closer and allow his tongue to slide in through my slightly parted lips.  

My senses feel a hundred times more alive as I snake my hands around his thin body and allow him to feel a fake sense of victory before moving my tongue against his, subduing his feeble attempt of gaining dominance.

I smirk as I feel him moan against my lips. I allow the sensations overwhelm my body as I feel his tongue dance against mine, shooting sparks of pleasure down my spine. He tries to bring himself even closer and I feel our teeth clash, before I take my leave from his needy tongue and venture to explore the other areas inside his mouth, his hot breath combining with mine.

I explore every inch of him, my tongue occasionally rubbing against his warm one as I do so. I don't bother subduing the smirk that forms on my lips as I deliberately avoid giving him what he wants, his hands gripping onto my hoodie as I run the tip of my tongue against his bottom lip again before abruptly connecting our lips together again.

This time Wooyoung doesn't even wait for me to open my mouth and I feel him forcefully enter my mouth as soon as our lips connect. I groan against his lips as he tilts his head before swirling his tongue against mine and sucking on it in an urgency that just makes things worst for my already suffocating shorts.

Holy motherfu--I internally curse already light headed as I feel him suck on me harder and harder

I'm so lost in the feeling of him trying to suck the living shit out of me that I gasp at the feeling of his hand moving down my hoodie and to my trousers. As much as I want my darkest fantasies to come true, I hesitantly push him away to an arms distance before trying to catch my breath and formulate what I want to say.

"Wooyoung" I try to speak but my voice comes out in a hoarse whisper. I manage to not pass out at the sight in front of me. 

Wooyoung stares back at me, his eyes dark and unfocused and his breathing coming out in ragged short breaths. He doesn't answer me but continues to stare at me as he deftly wipes the saliva off his slightly parted lips.

"Wooyoung you're--we shouldn't--" 

"Shouldn't what San?" I feel my heart rate increase at his dazed and unfocused voice, slightly deeper than normal.

"We-we--are you-"

I'm cut of by him grabbing my arms off his shoulders. I stare at the thin layer of sweat above his brow as he steps closer to me once again. He places my arms around his waist again lightly before staring up at me again.

"I'm Wooyoung right now. not wooyo..don't--push-me away" he whispers before letting a silent tear flow down the side of his face. I immediately feel guilt consume me as I watch his tear travel along his neck and to his sweater.

"Wooyoung I didn't-I'd never push you away..I just wanted to make sure--" I stumble over my own words as I feel the panic begin to flare in me. I mentally prepare myself for what's about to come but am met with another silent tear making it's way down his face.

"Wooyoung..baby what's--" 

"You care"  I stare at him in confusion before he speaks again.

 "You could've not cared about him. But you cared"

I look down at his face and try not to let my confusion show. I gently remove my hand from his waist and wipe the tear stains away as he continues to gaze up at me. His gaze is so intense that I feel my insides flutter.

"Of course I care Wooyoung. Whether you're Wooyo or Wooyoung. I do and will always care" I watch him flinch at the mention of his little name.

He looks down at our feet for a few seconds before looking up again and whispering an almost inaudible thank you. I smile at him and gently play with his hair, my other arm still around his waist.

I internally sigh in relief as I feel the burning desire in me mould into something different. 


That is, until I see a small devious smirk form on his tear stained face before he pulls on the loops of my trousers to clash his hips against mine. I gasp at the sudden contact and moreover where I feel it before meeting his wild eyes.

He pulls my head closer to his by my neck and I feel his hot breath against my ear.

"Show me how much you care Choi San"

I shudder at the new sensations that rush through my body as he whispers hesitantly in my ear. The hand on my neck pulls me even closer as I feel his lips brush my ear.

"Kiss me. Make me yours"


I died. Gonna go eat broccoli now

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