San's pov:

I grunt at the annoying hand shaking my shoulder

"San. San. Wake up. I got you an uber back home okay? San?"



I allow his strong arms to maneuver me out of the door and into the cab. I find out that I can, in fact walk. Even though my legs feel like jello when I do.

I faintly hear him give the driver an address as I allow myself to black out against the back seat of the car.

Wooyoung's pov:

Her tongue is in my mouth.  I feel uncomfortable.

I try to pull away but she only ends up pulling me closer. I feel useless as my hands hang down on either side of her waist. 

She finally pulls away before pushing me on to her bed. 

What was that I felt? 

My eyes widen as I feel a rush of heat run through me. I smirk to myself, proud that I can, in fact feel stuff for a girl.

Well until a vivid image of me dragging San down with me onto his bed flashes through my distorted thinking. 


Girl. You're with a girl.

What's her name again?

I blink rapidly as I feel the unsureness I dread settle upon me.

No no no no no.

This is not the time for derealization.

Gayeon. Gayeon's the name

I hold onto her name as I sit back up. She straddles me and I let her.

My body feels weak as I feel her lips work all over my neck, her hot breath hitting my skin like an unpleasant eclipse of moths. I feel the words on my skin tingle, aching for me to scratch at them.

I run my fingers through Gayeon's hair instead.

She stops at my gesture, probably the most active I've been so far, and places quick kiss on my lips before going back to my neck. She reaches my collarbone before sliding her fingers through the loops of my shirt, deftly easing each button off.

My shirt is thrown to the floor as she begins kissing every bit of exposed skin she can reach.

It does feel nice, I realize as I close my eyes. I quickly open them again when San's shirtless body invades my mind.

C'mon Wooyoung you can do this

Yeah. I can do this

I place one hesitant finger under the thin strap of her dress as she hums against my skin in  approval. Her skin is soft. I watch the strap fall down her shoulder. I don't bother easing the other one off. She'll do it anyway.

Gayeon lifts her head up before meeting my eyes and kissing me again. I feel her hands roam over my body, her body pressing on to mine.

Are those..breasts?

Her tongue tries to fight for dominance against mine but I end up giving up too easily. My mind reaches a dead end as I suddenly feel her grind against me. 

Oh hell no.


I hear her soft moans and her sharp breathing echo in the otherwise silent room. My body feels wierd. Like I'm-

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