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Seonghwa's pov:

"I'm coming over" He abruptly ends the call leaving me staring at my phone blankly. I hurry to change into something more presentable and switch the lights on.

I hear him at the door in less than five minutes from ending the call. He doesn't waste any time and brushes past me to my couch and sits down. I close the door and follow him.

"Here's everything he's said to me, as accurate as I can remember" San pushes a handwritten list scribbled in messy pencil letters. I read through everything stopping at the few lines underlined in red. 

Keep your distance San. We have nothing to do with you

Keep your filthy hands off of him. Don't want your homosexuality rubbing off. haha

Yes. why wouldn't he be? You seriously thought he'd be into guys? Are you serious San?

I stare at the three selected sentences. Then at San's hopeful face.

"I probably dropped a letter or two..but that's pretty much what he said" I continue staring at him absentmindedly, trying to come to a conclusion.

"I remember  him using the underlined words. I'm not mistaken" I snap out of my thoughts to see him looking slightly defensive, the hope still evident in his eyes. I clear my throat and try not to sound negative.

"San..As weird as it may seem to you..a lot of people refer to themselves in the third person for different reasons. Even I do sometimes-"

"Yes but this is different. Every time he switched from his usual warm self to this..this heartless monster-it was like he wasn't the one that was talking"

"But that may be due to his anger..we can change drastically when we fall for our own anger. It consumes us" I tell him gently still unsure of where I'm going. His mouth forms a frustrated pout as he bites his fingernail.

"He wasn't the one speaking.  Wooyoung wasn't the one saying those words" He looks at me defiantly and I find myself getting perplexed at his determination.

 "San you just told me that these were stuff wooyoung said--"

"Exactly" He replies and goes quiet and I suppress a groan. Either tell me what you're on or--

"Has wooyoung ever spoke to you about anything personal?" San speaks again. Personal? 

"Personal as in..?" I question unsure of where he's heading this time. "His struggles. His problems. Anything" I notice the desperation in his voice and try to think harder.

"Well..I do know that he was having hard time last August because of the vocal distribution in-" "No not like that" I look at San confused and wait for him to elaborate.

"Like..any..history of depression? Family problems? or..bullying at school?" 

I meet his serious eyes and try not to appear taken aback. "I-not that I know of..I mean I know he can be really moody sometimes..and throw temper tantrums every now and then..but-I really don't know anything else-"  I trail off in embarrassment. I'm literally the mother of our squad but have zero idea on my band mates' lives out of ateez.

"I'm sorry San--" I say uselessly as he continues to think with his brow furrowed.

"He hates the number 13" San's voice is full of the excitement it lost a few minutes ago. "13? Why?" I ask still feeling useless.

"..Idk. I just know he does. He never really told me why.."

"13..a lot of people dislike the number thirteen..something about it being unlucky.." I rack my brain for anything that may be helpful. 

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