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Seonghwa's pov: 

I blink at the notification on my phone before groaning in frustration.

Practice? Now?


I drag myself out of bed and walk towards my drawer.

What does one even where to practice again? I don't remember

I settle for a loose grey t shirt and a pair of black joggers. I barely brush my hair and attempt to fix my appearance. 

It's not like anyone cares anyways

I splash some water on my face and grab my keys before exiting the room and slowly trudging towards our practice room.

Yunho's pov:

"I seriously don't know..whatever it is, it's something more than just that tantrum he had" Mingi's body mirrors the shiver that passes through mine.

"He was..terrifying" He whispers and I nod.

He was.

But the way I found him today, the way he fought to keep his tears from falling, it just bothers me. Alot.

None of us are strangers to his occasional tantrums, as overly dramatic as they can be. But this wasn't something I was used to seeing. His expression..he looked-


Yup. That's the word.

And I suddenly felt capable of murder as a silent tear rolled down his face when I placed my hand on his knee. Sure, he can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I look up to him. He's one of the best friends I have.

"We have practice now" Mingi's voice breaks my train of thoughts and I nod at him with my cheek squashed against the pillow as I stare at his face across from mine.

I don't say anything as he runs his thumb over a line on my forehead.

"You're worried" he announces.

"Very much" I agree.

He sighs before shifting closer to me and kissing my forehead. He smiles shyly as my eyes widen. It's usually the other way around.

"You do that to me when I'm in a problem" I nod slowly as I feel my chest swell with emotion for the man lying next to me.

I cuddle into him, again, a role reversal. I faintly smile as I feel him wrap his arms around me ( and his leg) . 

I close my eyes and try to replay everything I know.

What made him so fragile? What caused him to break?

A sudden thought crosses me and I quickly pull away and stare into Mingi's eyes.

"Min..you said you saw Hwa yesterday after the-tantrum.."

He nods at me with sleepy eyes.

"So..do you remember where? Where did you see him?" I bite my lip impatiently as he scratches his chin in deep thought.

"I think-I think--"

I close my eyes and try to count to three as he takes his sweet time to remember.

"Min can you-"

"The spare room? I couldn't see him clearly but he was floating across the hallway like a ghost. I was still scared to approach him"

Hongjoong's room?

"Did he see you..?"

"Um..no? I don't think so. He was walking extremely slow. I thought he might be sleep walking at first." 

Huh? Make it make sense

"Okay..let's get ready for practice" I sit up and rub my temples. 

What in the world of mysteries is this

We end up spending another ten minutes getting ready, mainly because Min didn't like the shorts I took out for him ( "I want to match your shorts, yuyu"). We hurry down the stairs and nearly crash into Yeosang who looks up at us in panic.


"Um. Hi" I stare at the bag in his hand and the purple toothbrush he attempts to hide behind his back.

"Why do you-"

"Okay I'm done Yeo. Oh and by the way you left your shorrrrrrr-" Hongjoong trails off at the sight of me and Mingi.

He exchanges a look of panic with Yeo before attempting to casually wave us off.

"Oh hi Yunho. Hi Mingi. C'mon Yeosang we're getting late for-"

"Hongjoong?" I stare at his wide eyes before speaking.

"Where did you sleep yesterday Yeosang? I think it's safe to assume that you didn't sleep with Hwa"

Yeosang stutters as I squint at Joong's neck.

"No I-I-Um-I didn't really have anywhere to go so-I-"

"I invited him to sleep in my room. Got a problem with that?" Joong's tone is defensive, and I can already see why. Unfortunately.

I reach over to him before rubbing my thumb against a pale spot on his neck. I immediately feel the powdery nature and step back.

"You were never good with foundation, Joong" I say slowly and watch as he and Yeosang look at each other as they probably try to come up with a convincing lie. But I don't allow it.

"Neck down, yeosang" He hesitates for about two seconds before slowly pulling down the material of his turtleneck, exposing dark purple marks all over his neck. I laugh at my own stupidity as their overly red and swollen lips just now come to my attention.

I look at Mingi who looks back at me, his eyes crossed and focused. I don't trust myself to speak even though I have a string insults at the tip of my tongue. Instead I just feel pain.

For Hwa. For the pain he silently decided to deal with all alone.

I feel my own eyes sting as I look back at them in disgust.

"Y'all are vile" is the only thing I can muster before grabbing Mingi's hand and dragging him away with me, away from the duo that completed the ultimate form of backstabbing; away from the two people I currently want to choke the life out of.

Mingi follows my lead, rapidly trying to keep up with my pace.

"Where are we going..?" 

"Give me your phone. I left mine in our room" He doesn't question me as I type down a message and send it to everyone in our group.

I hand his phone back to him and stalk towards the practice room, knowing that Hwa will already be there.


"Practice is cancelled. My orders."

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