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Seonghwa's pov

I glance at woosan in the back before looking straight ahead again. It's been a while since I last drove. Usually it was Hongjoong that did all the driving 'cause he knows how much the sound of horns startle me.

I sigh and push the thought of him away and focus back on the road. Wooyoung is animatedly describing a dream he saw last night while San not so enthusiastically nods every now and then. What's up with him?

Probably worried about how things will go.

We make it there in less than twenty minutes and I watch as San holds Wooyoung's hand before looking at me.

"you're coming right? I don't think-I can do this alone" I quickly nod at him before getting out and locking the car.

"Where are we going Sannie?" People turn to stare as Wooyoung swings his and Sans entwined  hands up and down.

San thinks for a bit before replying slowly.

"To meet a good friend of mine"

~time skip~

San's pov:

We haven't been able to get him to calm down ever since he saw the damn book on the doc's table.

"Wooyo it's okay it's gone now Wooyo listen to me LISTEN WOOYO" I wrap my hands around my waist as he struggles against me, aiming kicks at everything he can reach.

"No. nonononononononNONONONONONO" The doctor remains relatively calm as he notes something down and eyes me again.

"What is it about this that bothers you wooyo?" I groan as he brings the book out again.

Wooyoung stops struggling for a bit before screaming as loud as he can.


The doctor walks around his desk and over to us with the book in his hand. 

"Sung I don't think-" I try to warn him as Wooyoung begins to struggle in my arms again.

"What is bothering you Wooyo? what is it? tell me?" He keeps his voice low and soothing but it seems to have the opposite effect on Wooyoung as he starts to thrash and kick the air.

The doctor slowly steps closer and I shake my head in panic.

"Is it the writing over here?" Wooyoung steps back against me as Sunghoon steps forward.

"Or is it the shape of the book?"

I look at the heart shaped book in his hand and see how it can offend someones eyes.

Wooyoung struggles to get out of my grip as he steps even closer.

"Or..is it the flowers on the cover?"

I flinch at the loud scream that comes from the male I'm restricting. He attempts to break out of my hold once more as he tries to kick at the doctor with feebly aimed blows.

"What about the flower-"


His loud voice echoes through the room but Sunghoon remains unfazed as he tries again.

"What about the flowers bothers you Wooyo? Is it their size? their colour? or the type of-"

"STOP IT SANNIE MAKE IT STOPPPP" I feel completely useless as I do nothing to help him as he continues to shake and thrash about with flailing arms.

His screams have turned into long wails as I feel his tears drop onto my arms. 

"Hmm.." The doctor looks at me before pointing  at the book again. This time he addresses me as he speaks.

"Do you know what  flower this is San?" I shake my head in confusion as Wooyoung's wails get increasingly louder, his violent struggling almost causing me to loose balance.

"NONONONONONONONO" He yells again and I try not flinch as I watch the doctor contemplate before speaking.

"Chamomile. These are called chamomile flowers"

I feel my eyes widen in shock as I remember the note I found yesterday. I'm too caught up in trying to match the two together that I don't realize  Wooyoung's body freeze before I feel him elbow me in the stomach.

I let out a sharp breath in pain and stare at him in panic as he charges towards the doctor, his voice no longer high and loud.

"What the fuck is your problem you bastard?"

It takes Sunghoon a few seconds to process what happened but he jumps away just in time to miss the punch Wooyoung aims at him.


"Yes I'm fcking Wooyoung you insensitive wart of a-"

"Nice to meet you! I was just going through your records when-" Wooyoung cuts him off with another attempt at punching him, this time only barely missing.

I stand there in shock watching as everything unfolds in front of me.

"Don't try your bullshit with me doctor. I may not have been there but I DID see everything that happened" I watch in horror as he lunges for sung again but reaches for the book in his hand instead.


Wooyoung grabs the book and begins to tear it's cover off before tossing the rest of it to the table and glaring at the doctor again.

"You hurt me, I hurt you" I watch helplessly open mouthed as he further rips the cover into shreds in front of Sung's face. The doctor quickly schools his features back into a calm and unbothered expression before nodding slowly.

"Fair point."

I nod hesitantly as he dismisses me with a slight shake of his head towards the door.

I take one last look at Wooyoung who doesn't even acknowledge my presence before slipping out of the room and closing the door behind me.



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