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Wooyoung's pov:

I wake up abruptly to find myself tucked neatly into the covers of a bed that's not mine. What

I eye my surroundings in confusion before noticing the familiar plushies at the corner of the bed. I take one proper look around the room and jump out of bed in panic.

San's room?

I feel a slight headache as I try to remember anything useful while I scan the room. That's when I notice that I'm still holding on to something.


I take a sharp intake of air as memories begin to flood my half asleep brain. 


No no no no no no.



I look down at the plushie in my hand one last time before tossing it lightly to the bed and rushing towards my room as quick as I can.

San's pov:

I swing the plastic bag in my hand as I walk through the snow. Yes, I wanted to buy him his own shiber, but I also wanted to escape. From Hwa's concerned stare. From everything. Just enough to mend my dissipating sanity, in order to stay responsible for Wooyo.

I trudge through the cold air slowly replaying the events stuck in my head.

"Okay. Okay. So Wooyo is a child..you were looking after him..But that still doesn't explain why I walked in on you two with your hand down his pa-"

"My hand WAS NOT down his pants for heavens sake! I was teaching him how to use a zipper--and zip up his shorts" 

I feel my face go red again at the memory of our conversation and suddenly feel grateful for the dark. 

Jeez poor Hwa.

I laugh to myself before my mind travels to something even more embarrassing than Hwa catching us mid-lesson.

What on EARTH was that San? 

I shudder as I remember the sudden urges I felt when I was with Wooyoung, him completely oblivious to any of the dark thoughts going through my head.

I wanted to kiss him.

A series of memories rush back to me as I don't try very hard to shake them off. The way he grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me closer that day. The way he wrapped his hands around my neck as he moved his lips against mine--

No. I wanted to do far more than just kiss him.

"UGH" I kick a log on the sidewalk out of sudden frustration.

I feel my thoughts wander to today's events and begin to panic before realizing that I don't have to anymore.

You're alone right now. He's not with you

I try to reassure myself as I feel my heart flutter with the memory of today's events; only, with a different perspective.

The things I would've done if it weren't for--

I already feel my stomach grow warm and hurry towards our dorms clutching his new "swiber" to my chest.


Sort of a filler chapter. Idk why I'm updating so much but whatever:)

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