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San's pov:

I had to face quite a bit of a struggle to get Wooyo to come down with me for dinner. He kept insisting that I was being mean for not helping go to the bathroom again.

He sat next to Seonghwa at the table before suddenly realizing he needs a Sannie cuddle. I allow him to play with my fingers as the room gradually begins to fill. With all eight of us.

"Hongjoong! Yeo! I see you've finally decided to emerge from your hole" Yunho's hearty voice seems to startle the two. They look back at him with wide eyes before Hongjoong tries to speak.


"Speaking about holes"

Jongho's sarcastic voice cuts through the air and leaves a heavy silence above us. Wooyo's occasional exclamations echo around us as he continues play with my fingers, oblivious to the atmosphere created. I suddenly feel the need to pull him closer.

So I do.

"Sannie cuddles?" He peers at me with a big smile on his face and I nod at him before throwing my arm around him. All six pairs of eyes are on us when I look up again. The varying degrees of emotion through each of their silent stares weighs on my shoulders like iron and I feel obliged to break the tension.

"So uh..nice to have all eight of us together at dinner again.."

No one responds and I look back at Wooyo. He hums the ponytail song and I manage a weak smile.

"...Um so guys you won't believe what me and Yuyu found today at the mall! There was a-" Mingi is cut off by Jongho's curious tone.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you Mingi, but San." I look up and meet his calculating eyes as they travel from me to Wooyoung.

"Why is Wooyoung covered in bruises?" Wooyo's head snaps up at his name and I tighten my arm around him. Everyone stares at me in confusion infused curiosity as I try to find the right words to answer his question.

"It-We had--we um"

"Fought?" Joong's cold eyes meet mine before landing on Wooyoung's bandaged chin. His stare radiates disapproval. I feel extremely uncomfortable as Seonghwa breaks out of his trance to focus on us with a concerned stare.

"I-we might've. Yeah" I can't stop my voice from breaking as I acknowledge my own hideous actions. I avoid looking at Wooyo and gently pull my hand away.

He immediately pulls it back with a whimper.

I meet Yunho's sympathetic gaze before trying to focus on piece of cheese on my plate. My hands move on their own as I stab it with my fork and bring it towards Wooyo's lips. He beams up at me and obediently swallows with an excited "messy??" towards me.

"Interesting" Jongho addresses no one as he goes back to brooding over his plate. I notice Hwa's hand sneak under the table and rest on Jongho's bouncing knee. His leg immediately stops moving and they share an unreadable look before returning to their food.

I shift my focus back to Wooyo who tugs on my shirt.


"Not now baby. As soon as we get back to my room okay?" I try to mutter but Hwa's head snaps up almost immediately. I pretend not to notice and feed Wooyo an olive. He grimaces at me before pointing at another cube of cheese.

"So as I was saying.." Mingi's hesitant voice rings through the silence and I follow Yunho's lead and enthusiastically nod at him.

"We found a two headed frog!! Near the fountain!" Mingi's excitement is swallowed by the silence once more as I struggle to keep my focus on Wooyo's hurried eating, the cheese on both of our plates rapidly disappearing. Hongjoong's unamused voice hovers above us like the nasty smell of spoilt milk.

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