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San's pov:

The next few minutes are a blur as I cling on to him like my life depends on it. Somewhere inside me a voice tells me I should cooperate, I should let him go. But I can't. It's like my body's frozen.

My arms encircle his limp body as I keep saying his name over and over again. I feel arms trying to pry me away from him and hug him tighter.

What happened to you baby? 

This can't be real. Wooyoung. Happy, cheery Wooyoung. The boy that carries everyone's happiness. My happiness

How is this the same boy that taught me how to smile? the one person I continue for when I felt like giving up? I feel my body tremble as another fit of tears threatens to take over me.

"Who hurt you Wooyoung? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you have to face this alone?" I hear my voice break as I finally give into the arms pulling him away from me. I watch them carry him away but nothing feels real.

This can't be happening. My Wooyoung

I want to go after them, to follow where he's being taken. But I find myself stuck on the floor, unable to move from the place I found his body. There's blood on the floor and on my shorts. The broken mirror gleams at me tauntingly, red splattered along the cracks; almost as if it's mocking me for being useless.


That's what I am.

I couldn't save him. I couldn't realize that something was wrong earlier

Instead I-I blamed him for everything. Without even considering the possibility of there being a reason. I never even came close to the idea of him going through something this serious. 

What kind of friend am I?

I promised to be with you, to protect you till the very end 

My tears have stopped flowing and all I feel is numbness. The guilt inside me roars like a fire as I look away from the blood stained mirror.

I notice the blood on my hands and wipe them on my shirt. I've got blood on my hands. It's all my fault.

I feel the world spin around me as I relive the horror of finding him all broken and helpless before me.

"I failed you young-ah. I failed you" I shout at no one as black spots intercept my vision.

Seonghwa's pov: 

I dial his number again and wait for him to pick up. The tapping from my fingers echoes loud through out the silent corridor.

"Is he gonna be-alright?" Yeosang's tiny voice rings through the silence as I watch Jongho pat his arm.

"Yes" He answers and I wish the truth would be so simple. 

Still no answer. "Aish" I curse at myself. I should have made sure--

My phone rings and I pick it up immediately.

"We're on our way. Sorry I took so long to call back. I had to haul him into the vehicle all by myse-" I cut off Hongjoong's voice in panic.

"What?? What do you mean you had to haul him? What happened to him? Is he okay? San? Give him the phone. San my poor baby are you okay I'm so sorry I ha-" 

"Hwa. It's okay, he had fainted that's all. He's lying on the backseat right now. He'll talk to you when we arrive okay?" 

No. not okay.

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