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Yunho's pov:

"Hakuna matata, yaaah!"  I aggressively hit my pillow at the 'yah' to make it more fluffy.

The thing with pillows is that they get out of shape real fast. Especially if you use them alot.

 Like, alot.

I grin before realizing how stupid I must look grinning alone. but then it's not like there's anyone to see..yet.  I check the time for the millionth time and shake my head. If there's one thing about Mingi that hasn't changed, it's his never accomplished punctuality.

Another reason I adore him though.

I look over at our table to make sure everything's in place. Yup, perfect. I find myself grinning once again at the memory of him coming back  for his purse 2 minutes after leaving for the store to buy us banana milk.

"hehe" I laugh and instantly cringe at myself. definitely lucky I'm alone right now. Heehee. I sit down at the edge of our bed and unconsciously fix the covers once more. For the millionth time. Okay probably not the millionth-

"Ah sheesh!" I groan noticing crumpled shirt under the bed. Jeez I can swear to God I picked up at least four of them. Don't know where they keep appearing from.  I throw the the shirt into a basket under the table and cover it with the table cloth.

I look at my watch again and frown. It's been 25 minutes. What on earth is taking him this long? I shake my head and lie back against the covers and try not to mess the bed while doing so.

Today's a big day. A huge one. Aside fromthe exciting news about woosan.. It's been exactly 2 years since Mingi asked me out in front a water fountain at the central mall. I grin at the memory of his awkward shuffling and even more at his absurd choice of words that day.

"Yunho.." . We were strolling through the mall as usual. I had stopped walking at the seriousness of his voice. Mingi was not one to be serious. Well, usually.

"Can you..can you walk backwards for a few steps? like about five? no actually about seven--or-or nine?" His stuttering confused me even more than his absurd request. When was he ever nervous around me?

"..Okay.." And so I had walked backwards internally counting in my head and abruptly being stopped at '8' by him. "Whew okay" Mingi had gone increasingly red by now and my confusion had gone from a 10 to 100. I realized we were back in front of a fountain we had passed a few seconds ago.

"Mingi what's going-" I stopped talking as I watch him point at the fountain behind us. 

"Do you want to be the one that passes by this fountain with me when we're 80 and old and can no longer dance but still can sing hakuna matata together every night before sleeping in bed together?" 

To say I was dumbfounded would be an understatement. First of all, there was a lot to unpack there. I barely only caught the last part though, what seemed like a normal friendly request didn't quite seem so anymore; not with Mingi blushing and looking everywhere except me.

"I-80? On the same--" 

"yeah. assuming we'd live as long as that" His voice was shy, only bringing more light to his last suggestion.

"Sleep on the-Mingi we sleep together sometimes already..you know, when you have nightmares of Hongjoong--" "That's not what I meant!!!!" I had to hold in my laughter seeing his face contort into one of frustration. 

I already knew what he meant.

"I mean. Everyday. I want to sleep with you everyday. And--and-" "Well we can do that. You're always welcome to sleep with me. You know I love cuddles" I had said barely suppressing my grin. 

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