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San's pov:

He didn't even say happy birthday. To say that hurt the most out of everything..sounds pathetic. I know.

And then the way he just shook my arm off. In front of everyone.

I trudge down the hallway not exactly knowing where I want to go. 

"I'm gonna sleep with gayeon tomorrow"


I let out a sick laugh before feeling my eyes sting. 

The proud smirk on his face as he spoke those words infiltrates my brain as I stagger under the weight of emotions I feel.

I change route and try to hurry to my room instead. I try to ignore the loud noise escaping my lips every time I try to breathe.

C'mon San. You're stronger than this

Am I?

I fumble with the keys before finally yanking my door open and rushing to my bed. I cuddle the first plushie I see before recognizing the faint scent of cologne coming from it.


Wooyoung's pov:

I try to name the emotions I feel as I wait for my uber to arrive. Sunghoon told me to do that whenever I feel overwhelmed.

Not that I'm overwhelmed right now. Just excited.


I tap my fingers against the plastic covering that encases the rose. Ugh. I hate roses. 

My thoughts take a turn as I suddenly spot two people laughing and clinging onto each other from across the street. I wouldn't have looked twice if it wasn't for who they are.


Well. Looks like they're gonna have fun tonight.

Unlike me. 

Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with Gayeon. She's beautiful, maybe even hot. 

She blushed when I told her that.

The reluctance I'm feeling must be due to the fact of me not associating girls for like, eons. Yeah.


San's pov:

I clamber into bed, still in my brown plaid shirt and black shorts.

I scoff as I remember what he wore today. Was that just a sick reminder?  Mockery at whatever we had?

I close my eyes against my pillow and let the memory wash over me. Exactly a year ago. We had accidentally worn the same clothes, shorts included.

I didn't want to wear anything special so I chose a navy blue shirt my grandmother bought me. I had worn white shorts to match. When we all met down for breakfast Hongjoong and Seonghwa had to issue quite a few death threats to quieten us down.

"What on EARTH are you wearing???" I would've laughed at his horrified expression if it weren't for the fact that I was just as mortified.

"No what are YOU wearing? How did you even know I was gonna wear this??"

He had rolled his eyes before snapping at me.

"I wore it first. You're the one that copied me"

"Nah. I woke up at 7 today. You probably got out of bed at 9 or something" I had watched his rapidly coloring face in satisfaction.

"Well-that doesn't change the fact that you copied MY idea" I rolled my eyes back at him as Seonghwa tried to intervene.

"Guys one of you can go change if it's-"



My eyes had found Wooyoung's as he looked me up and down before snorting.

"I for one, am not gonna change. So there's that"

"I'm not gonna change either" I had replied with a shrug, enjoying the way he was gradually getting worked up.

"But I wore it-had the idea first!"

"Yeah well it's my birthday"

"But I thought of-"

"It's my birthday."

"Okay how about this. I'll wear this today and you wear it tomo-"

"It's MY birthday"

I had to grip onto the tablecloth to prevent myself from bursting out laughing.

"You little-"

"Birthday boy?"

He had glared at me from across the table as Hongjoong began a lecture on how childish we were being. And the parents' council  had put forward their final decision. That I should be able to wear it; it was my birthday after all.

Wooyoung had sulked through out the rest of our breakfast before tapping me on the back as we were leaving.

"I'm still not changing this" I had looked at his defiant expression, knowing he expected me to fight back.

"Okay" He looked as if he's been punched in the stomach before asking me in a slight whisper.


I had shrugged feigning nonchalance all the while my heart was acting up in a way I didn't expect it to.


He had stayed staring at me for a while before jumping up and down in exaggerated excitement.

"Omg omg omg. We can be TWINS!! Birthday twins" I had grinned back at him as he slinked his arm through mine, still bubbling with excitement.

Later that day his voice croaked next to my ear as all 8 of us sat compacted together watching 'Up' for the millionth time.

"You have a brown shirt right? That one you said your mom got you for your birthday"



I had stared at him in confusion as he seemed to have forgotten that he started telling me something. I sighed before poking him.


He didn't remove his eyes off the screen as he replied back in a loud whisper.

"I have one too. Let's be twins next year too?" I just stared at him, definitely sure I wasn't imagining the darkening of his cheeks even through the semi darkness we were in.


I had nodded before shifting closer to him and resting my head against his shoulder and entwining his fingers with mine.

He did not object.


Yes we're back to the slow paced chapters again :)

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