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Yunho's pov:

I check my phone again for any reply but there's none. I shrug off the worry I have and let Wooyo pull me with him along the sidewalk to our dorms.

I'm a bout to panic at San's apparent absence when I notice him sitting in the cafeteria, his leg aggressively bouncing up and down.

"Sannieeeee" Wooyoung lets go of my hand to run towards San and I watch as San stands up and welcomes wooyoung in a quick hug.

"Where-where did y'all go?"  I frown at his shaken tone and walk over to him. 

"We went to buy ice creams!!!!" Wooyoung exclaims, still clinging on to San. I notice San's look of distress and talk to Wooyo. 

"Wooyo, why don't you choose a flavor for yourself? here" I hand him the bag as he untangles himself off San and rushes over to the nearest table. 

I glance back at him before leaning towards San.

"You okay? You look..sick" I whisper to which he quickly nods.

"Yup. m'fine" he avoids looking at me and I fear the worst.

"Let me guess. You forgot to read my message?" 

San looks up at me, his eyes wide.

"You KNEW?" He whispers loudly and I let out a chuckle.

"Trust me, it was just as traumatizing for me when I accidentally came across it. Not even Mingi and I have one as big as that monstrosity. I immediately went shopping the day after that though"

He rolls his eyes at my whisper and continues to bounce his leg up and down. I laugh and slip a lollipop I bought unnoticed to wooyoung into his hand.

"what the-" "You'll need it" I back off with a grin as Wooyoung comes running with a popsicle in his hand.

He sits on San's lap before either of us can blink an eye.

"Sannie likes vanilla so wooyo likes vanilla too" he explains before turning to look at San's face.

San doesn't get the chance to reply before Wooyo speaks again.

"Did you buy me a lollipop Sannie?" He asks shyly and I watch San go red. 

"Um. Yeah. here" He awkwardly gives Wooyoung the lollipop before trying to set Wooyo on the floor.

"Thank yewwwwww!!!" I can't stop the chuckle I get seeing the sheer difference between his and San's expressions.

"Wooyo I have to-"

"Open? Pleeeeeeease sannie" I watch San struggle with his own thoughts before giving in. He gently pushes Wooyoung slightly towards his knees before sighing and opening the wrapper of his popsicle.

My amused grin turns into mutual panic with San as Wooyoung wiggles on San's lap till his back is against San's stomach as he begins to devour his popsicle.

"Yummy" he comments before turning his head to look at San. 

"Isn't sannie going to eat the popsicle? Sannie doesn't love vanilla?" His face twists into a momentary pout before he licks his popsicle again.

"Wooyo loves vanilla" I don't know whether to laugh or cry as I watch San deliberately try to avoid looking at Wooyoung and his popsicle.

"Wooyo I need to-"

"mmm yummyyy" My eyes widen as he obnoxiously licks his popsicle while looking at San.

"Why is sannie staring at wooyo like that? Wooyo can share?" He doesn't give San the time to answer before removing his lips from the popsicle and pressing it against poor San's lips.

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