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San's pov:

Seonghwa has been really quiet.

Like REALLY quiet.

Both me and Wooyoung assumed that he would give us a hard time about the whole finding us shirtless thing but he surprised us by not even bringing it up. In fact, he didn't bring yesterday up at all.


But then, maybe he's just embarrassed.

I glance at Wooyoung who's hogging the back seat. He didn't want to sit with me, had a miniature tantrum after talking with Sunghoon. Neither him or Sung would tell me what they talked about and I guess I don't have the right to know anyways.

I'm just ONE of his best friends so there's that

Seonghwa parks the car and gets off immediately, leaving without a second glance at us. I meet Wooyoung's concerned eyes before he gets off too, not before remembering to scowl.

I take a deep breath before getting off. 

Now I have an angry Wooyoung to deal with.


Wooyoung's pov: 

I run up the stares and carefully listen. Yup. He's following me.

I grin in satisfaction before slapping myself in the face. I don't know why, I just do.

I wince at the pain before hiding behind the stairs and waiting for him to come up. He takes another long five minutes or so (the fuck is he doing?) till I hear his footsteps and see his montero cap emerge from the staircase. I hold my breath as I internally count.



"WHAT THE FU-wooyoung??"

I clutch my stomach in  laughter and fall to the floor and wince again as my head bumps on the hard tile.

You deserve it

I laugh some more before nodding and watching his feet approach me from the floor.

"Wooyoung??? Are you okay??"

Am I? I don't know

I laugh in response before imitating the fat pot bellied guy on tv. "Gotcha! Pow!!"

I feel arms struggle to lift me as I keep giggling and repeating the word pow!

Pow! Pow Pow Pow!! 

You deserved it

I deserved it

San's pov:

I manage to haul his stubborn form into my room and push him onto the couch. I keep my eye on him as I carefully close the door. I stare at him before hiding my nervous fingers behind my back.

"Wooyoung.." He pays no attention to me and grins at the ceiling. I already feel the panic beginning to rise as he giggles again.

At the ceiling.

I move towards him and hesitantly put my arm on his shoulder.

"Wooyoung?" This time he looks up at me before aiming a finger gun at me and saying "Pow!" He grins at me before resuming his unfinished work; giggling at the ceiling.

What in the-

I peer at the ceiling just to make sure I'm not missing anything.

"Pow pow pow! Pow!" He begins aiming his fingers at the sky and I feel my brain over work as I try to figure out what to do.

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