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Yunho's pov

I glance at my watch before answering Wooyo's impatient question.

"He'll be back..soon" I share a look with Mingi who shrugs with a grin.

What? I had to tell him okay???

After about another eternity of me marveling at Min's ability to not get bored by playing the exact same game, I hear San enter the room, his face slightly flushed.

I smirk at him before calling Wooyoung.

"Wooyo he's back!" 

San drags a chair towards us and sits down heavily as wooyo squeals and rushes over.

"Is Sannie okay now? Better?" My eyes widen with San's before he quickly nods and mutters a 'yeah. feel better now wooyo'

Mingi walks over to us as well and eyes San from top to bottom. San stares back in confusion as Min speaks.

 "I see you're better now <cough> < cough>" I roll my eyes at his words while San snaps his head to look at me.

"Don't tell me you-"

"I had to I'm sorry. Oh c'mon it's not as if you imagined Wooyoung-" I don't finish my sentence as I realize my mistake too late.  We all stare at Wooyo that violently flinches.

"Um wooyo-" I begin to speak only to be cut off by him shaking his head vigorously. He doesn't say anything but I immediately panic and look at San. He puts his finger to his lips before slowly reaching for Wooyoung's hand.

"Wooyo..?" He continues to shake his head and doesn't answer. I watch as San frowns and looks around the room for anything he can use to distract the distressed boy in front of him.

"Did you eat your lollipop baby? was it good?" San asks him in a slightly worried voice and gets no answer except for more furious head shaking.

"Do you-Can Sannie hug you Wooyo?" I watch as wooyo pauses for around a second before shaking his head again, his eyes darting around the hall .

San looks at me for help and I try to come up with something useful. anything. But my mind is blank as I feel the guilt creep up on me.

San specifically told us to avoid using the name 'Wooyoung' in Wooyo's presence. If anything this is all my fault.

My thoughts interrupted by a lazy voice coming from the hall.

"Hello? You guys in here?"

San's pov

I immediately whip my head around at the sound of his voice.

Oh. Yeosang

No one bothers answering him as he strolls into the hall and takes a seat across from me. He gives Mingi a high five before grinning at me and Yunho. His eyes grow concerned as he notices Wooyoung's state.

He looks at me briefly before speaking cautiously. 

"Wooyo?" I hide a satisfied smile as wooyoung pays zero attention to him before internally groaning.

Not again San

Yeosang looks in my direction with questioning eyes and I sigh before mouthing the words 'said the name Wooyoung' while pointing at Yunho. Yeo let's out a little "ohh" before turning to Wooyoung again.

"Do you want to learn the ponytail dance Wooyo? I can teach you the full one if you want to.." I tap my foot impatiently as I already anticipate Wooyo's answer.

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