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[A/N: Who's povs do you look forward to the most?:)]

Wooyoung's pov:

"Pancakes" San announces as I stare at the plate. One of our staff members brought it up I guess. I wonder if the others missed us at breakfast. Probably not.

"Pancakes" I agree.

San smiles at me silently before pushing the plate closer to me. It's bare except for some icing sugar and whipped cream, unlike the other plate in his hand. I try to ignore the lump in my throat that forms at the simple gesture.

He remembers

I grimace instead. 

"How do you even eat that after pooling it with every type of topping there is? Your pancakes are screaming for help"

He raises his eyebrow before smirking at me.

"I like my pancakes wet "

I try not to choke on the bite I just took.

"You are-"

My retort doesn't come. Instead I find myself worrying. 

Don't say anything wrong don't say anything wrong.

"-cool" I finish. San gives me a look before diving back into his wet  pancakes.

We eat in silence with San occasionally moaning at his food and making my heart act all funny. I glare at him as he lets out yet another long moan.

"These are so..mmmmmhh" I can't tell if he's messing with me or not.

"Can you please stop that?" He raises his questioning eyes and I just blush and look away.


"Nothing. Moan all you want. I'm done eating" I know I'm being ridiculous but I can't help it. I want attention. From San.

San attention?


He laughs through a mouthful and lightly pokes me in the ribs. I try my best to hold in the wince it causes.

"Moan?? I was appreciating the food, baby" I roll my eyes at his sappy tone. He takes another mouthful before smirking again.

"Don't worry. You're turn will come"  I stare blankly until his words finally make sense. He deftly dodges the smack I aim at him.

"Ew! You pervert!" I laugh with him as he stops me from going and holds onto my wrist.

"Is that-okay? Jokes like that? I'm sorry if it isn't" I meet his serious eyes and shake my head.

"It's okay with me..I guess"

"You guess?"

"I mean as long as you don't say weird stuff like wanting me to spit in your mouth"

"But I do want-"

"EW" I manage to smack him this time and he gives me a wry grin.

"I was just saying. We gotta talk about-" He shrugs before noticing my tense shoulders.

"Hey let's finish breakfast first okay? And no you're NOT done eating. Sit back down mister" I roll my eyes at him as he pulls me down once again.

"I'm not hungry." San suddenly looks red and constipated as he presses his lips together while shaking his head. I sigh and look at him.

"What is it this time?" He looks moderately embarrassed as he shakes his head again. 

"No. Sorry. I gotta stop" I immediately object.

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