Temple visit

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That night I experienced a dreamless night, but the strange thing was, even though I was in a deep slumber, I knew there was a warm and comforting presence besides me. It was a familiar presence that soothe my sleep. I have no evidence but based this on a woman's sixth sense.

The next day we walked up the thousand steps that led to the temple. The builders of the temple wanted its visitors to use the steps as thinking time and to physically separate themselves from the ties of life.

It must have worked because once I got there I felt an overwhelming joy of having conquered those treacherous steps, or rather, death traps!

I counted my blessings at having arrived in one piece, because at every moment I felt like I was going to fall off the side of the mountains. Each step was about a metre wide and half a metre high, stacked so close together that it felt like a forty degrees climb for five hours straight.

There was no railing and the stones are slippery from the cold mist. Thinking about the mist made my eyes water, I had to bite my lips to hold back tears. The mist was so dense and thick that we could not see more than a metre ahead, so during that climb I just saw my mother's tenacious backside and my Second Brother's face below me. During the climb, I lost track of time and feared for my life at every moment of the way.

When we reached the top the sun cleared up the mist and I could see that the whole party was drenched from a combination of sweat and the misty dew.

The Buddhist monks had stood in line waiting for our arrival with the Master at the forefront. He was a wizen old man with a kindly face and a toothless smile. Apart from the hobble with the walking stick, he looked to be the best of health even though I would guess that he is around one hundred years old.

"Old Master is two hundred and twenty years old this year," whispered Second Brother my ear. I gasped and peered deeply at the old man. So old? Does he have real powers? Can he recognise me as a transmigrator?

The Old Monk greeted my Mother and our entourage with great respect for the harrowing experience we just went through. I gasped again when I found out that we took the difficult route to show our sincerity to the Gods. Okay, since it is a blessing ritual for the people, I will not gripe, but felt relieved that we can take an easier path back.

After performing several rituals and offerings, my Mother took the chance to ask the Old Monk about my fortunes.  I felt embarrassed because I'm a transmigrator, so it is slightly awkward hearing someone else's fate.

The Old Monk smiled and looked at me with sincere smile. He said a few cursory words like I have a good fortune and with a kind heart I will reap good rewards. Mother was satisfied and as we were about to leave, the Old Monk asked me to stay back a few minutes so that he can teach me some profound scriptures. I looked to Mother and she considered it for a minute and nodded.

After Mother stepped out of the room into the next room to offer her prayers, my maid and I looked at the wizen old man with an expectant gaze.

"Young Miss Bai has a truly interesting fate. Travelling from afar to an unfamiliar place will strip you of yourself. Stay in the straight and narrow regardless of the circumstances. It is only then when you can realise your purpose and fine lasting happiness. Do not fear the future and take each step with confidence," he said gently.

Tears rolled down from the corner of my eyes unbidden. The Old Monk have seen through my fears and with only those few words have given me hope.

When we left the following day, the Old Monk gave Mother a very good reading of my birth dates. Things like my fate is to bring health and prosperity to those around me. My fate is the shining north star that can guide my loved ones to their desires. Mother was very happy after that and left beaming from ear to ear.

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