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"Our Young Master sends his regards and seeks Princess Muon to get herself presentable and meet him in the main hall," shouted one of the guards outside my door.

I paced the room. My nerves seem to have frayed just by seeing the black clothed guards. The pounding heart and the familar feeling of fear started to overwhelm me. What has he done? The crazy bastard should have given up by now but he seems to have taken over the Bai family.

I know that the Bai Regent and his military officers are incredibly strong, their army rivalling the elite Hu army. Only yesterday we celebrated my wedding without a hitch and overnight they have disappeared. Something bad must have happened otherwise they would not stay still for Man Chiu to take over their palace. My heart beat rapidly as I thought about my newly wedded husband. Xue Zhanglun is so weak right now that he will not be able too fight back. This was the opportunity for us to be legally husband and wife, but yet it has ended so soon.

From what I read in the book, Man Chiu is cruel and ruthless to everyone else except the female lead. His methods are insane and effective. In the second arc, Man Chiu destroyed the Middle Empire to support Xiao Wei as the ruling Empress. The giant plothole was that she had no qualifications nor royal blood to become empress, but the brain dead male leads was too madly in love to see reason. They loved her and wanted to give her the best of everything. So, the most logical thing was to give her a whole empire so she can rule with her stupid harem. I have no doubt that with his character setting, Man Chiu would have either killed or worst tortured the Bai family to be here unfettered.

But the thing is that the timing of his invasion and presence here is ahead of schedule and completely outside what I expected. Why would he care about me and my marriage into the Bai family? Even my mother has not cared to look for me, and yet the ex-fiance is here.

Then it occured to me, just like the Bai family, he is seeking to possess my White Spirit Pearl!

That crazy person has always been weak since young and only after he took out Muon Rui An's heart to give to his lover did he completely heal. It must have been the shared healing power that kept him like a loyal dog by her side.

I looked down at my chest and tried to imagine the pain of getting my heart ripped out. I guess it will be less painful than getting stabbed a hundred times. I have to mentally prepare. The curse of the plot is too strong and I now know that I am facing certain death. No matter how hard I try to resist, it will come full circle. Those who needed to die in the plot will die according to the author's wishes.

Darn it! Darn it! I pulled my hair in frustration. I must face my impending death bravely as a middle finger to the author. Those thoughts helped somewhat and my body stopped shaking. I rummaged through the wardrobe and pulled out the Muon Tribe's dress. This dress has places for concealed weapons and a dedicated hook to hang my whip. In short, it is a better dress to fight in than this flowy feminine Tang dynasty dress.

Bring it on Man Chiu. I will kick your butt!

Man Chiu choked on the tea that he just took a sip off and coughed violently. His watery eyes looked towards the direction of the emerging figure. He never realised how beautiful Muon Rui An was. It must have been that her annoying personality had blinded him towards her beauty.

She flew into the hall stimulatenously whipping away his soldiers. Like a goddess of death, her eyes are ablaze with a fiery desire to fight to the death.

"Man Chiu, why are you here? We have no relations so why do you have to follow me like a sick dog?" she shouted.

As she spoke she pressed hard on the head of the soldier who was knocked to the ground. Man Chiu licked his lips, the aura of a tall and powerful woman is addictive as her beauty is intoxicating.

Three ex-husbands and a marriageWhere stories live. Discover now