Attack on the empire

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The Great Dragon Hall is full today. The atmosphere tense and abuzz with loud murmurings and hushed whispers. The ministers filled the hall that is typically only reserved for the highest ranking officials and the Emperor. Even annual rites and the Empress's coronation could not rival the turn out today. In fact, the Emperor is currently calculating how many heads he needs to chop and restructure his administration. Clearly, his authority has not been observed or respected today. Something important happened and driven his subjects into a state of panicked fear. He frowned, even the imperial guards are helpless against the masses of ministers pushing their way.

The masses of purple, blue and red robes of fat bodied ministers as they hovered together in groups show clearly the factional divides within the government. The Emperor rubbed his eyebrows feeling a headache coming on. He calculated the time it would take to recall Grand General Hu and the Bai Regent into the imperial city to suppress these treasonous subjects. Clearly, he has to buy time and take each step carefully until they can come to his rescue. But he is so frustrated that he wants to kill them all.

He nodded to his Chief Eunuch and continued to rub his eyebrows. In his heart the Emperor cried tears of rage.

"Silence! His Imperial Majesty's patience is dwindling and requires the Prime Minister to provide an explanation. Those who dares continue to make a noise will be dragged out and quartered," shouted the Chief Eunuch.

The hall immediately fell silent as the ministers all took towards the Prime Minister. A man whispered some words in the Prime Minister's ears before falling back in place. The grey beard minister nodded his head slowly and took a step forward. He bowed his head slightly, buying time to think of the right words to explain the situation without incurring the instant wrath of this useless Emperor. Tens of years of eloquence and debating within the political arena have fled the Prime Minister's mind and he found that he had no ability to with his words.

"Your Majesty....the nation is in danger and requires your Majesty's urgent decision," said the Minister.

The hall once again filled with the low humm of murmers as people nodded in agreement.

"In danger? Speak the truth," said the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, the barbarians from the Northern and Western borders have started taking over our cities in the frontiers. They are conquering cities at an alarming rate, almost everyday we have reports of a fallen city or terrority," said the Minister.

"What! How can this happen and I have no idea? Have you corrupted officials all decided to hide such a serious threat from me? This is treason!"shouted the Emperor.

He threw the cup of wine in his hand straight at the Prime Minister who stood frozen and unable to dodge.

"Your Majesty, please don't misunderstand. The barbarians attacked too quickly that even this subject just heard about it today. So far already eight cities have fallen and others in its proximity is being besieged," he cried and fell to his knees.

"Useless subjects! What can you do except panic during times of crisis? What is the use of crowding in this great hall when you should be out preparing for war?" shouted the Emperor. He wants to pull his hair out at the stupidity of these people.

The Prime Minister smashed his head against the hard tiles with a thud. The other ministers immediately copied his actions.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is already at the imperial city gates. They have sent their prince as envoy to meet your Majesty and discuss the terms. It seems like they have something they want and will withdraw once they get it. Your Majesty....for the sake of the empire and your people, I beg your Majesty to allow the envoy entry into the palace and hear them out."

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