After the story ended

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Xiao Wei stood tall and proud, basking into this moment of triumph. She smiled at the men by her side, her consorts and the leaders of her harem. She will go down in history as China's first empress and her ambitions to tear down the patriarchal structure will be complete. The irony is that it will be these men who will destroy the very structure that creates biases for them.

After today, they will forever kneel at her feet and serve only her. She smiled beautifully, possessing an aura of one bursting confidence and power. These men whom she had painfully won over with her beauty, wit and body are now her ministers, lovers and swords. She is confident that their love is filled to the extent that one word from her could cause them to die. They will dedicate their lives to ensuring that this dynasty that she has carved out will shine the brightest in all of history.

She breathed in deeply, knowing and appreciating the pains and trials of her past life. Now she knows that was necessary and only the precursor to her triumphs in this life. Everyone here deserves to be here, they had sacrificed their entire young and staked their happiness on her. In return, she loves them all...yes, every single one of those who have shared her bed and tasted her body is loved. However, the one she desires the most is also the one who she could never attain.

He is the only blemish in her conquests, the only man who dared reject her and the only one she truly needs. The crowning coronation would have been perfect if not for his absence. Xiao Wei could not bear to think about him but every fibre of her being craves for him. Her sickness worsens each day as she lusts over the perfect man in her memories.

Even when the favourite consorts joins forces to please her in bed, there is a part of her that is weary and dissatisfied. Since they parted abruptly, she is never fulfilled and a small part empty with sick yearning.

She remembered vividly the day she met him, the lonely man atop a mountain living a solitary life. Just him alone in a small hut, day in day out he stayed by himself without friends nor family. He rescued her by the edge of the river, right after her escape from the tyrant king. By some miracle she survived the fall off the cliff and whilst her men looked for her, he took care of her and nursed her to health. In silence and without expectations.

When she woke up and saw his perfect face, quiet demeanour that is otherworldly, she fell hopelessly in love with him. To her, everything about him is perfect and each day she stumbled further into the abyss of love. The feelings were so strong it became an obsession and she was ready to give up her harem and fight for the throne to live a secluded life with him.

Xiao Wei was confident in her body and her skills to seduce and obtain a man's heart. Unfortunately, he never showed her interest nor a smile throughout the months it took for her to recover. As her bones healed the pain in her heart worsened. An unrequited love turned into obsession and an ugly dark desire to possess. She loved him and yet he does not care for her, how does it make sense?  He will not even tell her his name let alone converse to her. It was as if he treated her like a beautiful dumb vase that needs treatment but no companionship.

Since her rebirth she has gotten everything her heart desires. Through sheer persistence and wit, she has obtained the hearts of the world's elite and talented men. It was a shock to her pride that a humble nobody could resist her charms and beauty. Her conquests have proven her worth but he dashed it completely. Day by day, her confidence lessened as each attempt at connecting with him failed.

The more she wants something the more agitated she would get when it is beyond her reach. Treating it as a challenge and a game, she followed him to understand his interests and tried multiple ways to hook him. The path was arduous and the man whom cherished his words like gold and will not spare many words for her started to show his annoyance at her persistence.

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