Mingling's revelation

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I awoke feeling refreshed, finally having enjoyed a long and deep sleep. The torment of sleep deprivation had become unbearable, pushing me to stay awake for days on end. In comparison, the dreams felt less torturous. Despite my swollen eyelids and the damp pillow, a sense of rejuvenation washed over me. It was as though I had come to accept my dreams as a glimpse into a mysterious past, hopeful they might answer the questions plaguing me and elucidate why I was ensnared in this endless cycle.

We departed from the Hu family at their manor, leaving them under the watchful eye of armed troops for security, as we continued our journey towards the temple. Mingling poked her head out of the carriage, her gaze fixed expectantly on the gate. "He will recover well," I assured her. "I know he will, but will we see him again?" she murmured, her expression distant. I offered her a reassuring smile and gently guided her back inside the carriage. "Of course, the Hu and Bai families are intimately acquainted. They are two of the most influential families in the Southern Provinces. You'll see him again, don't worry."

Blushing, she averted her gaze shyly. "Cousin, my heart feels strange," she confessed, leaning her head against my shoulder. Concerned, I clasped her small, plump hand in mine. "Tell me more. Should I be worried?" I inquired.

"I feel like I've lost something important. An emptiness grows within me the further we travel from our manor. It started when I first saw his bloodied body. My heart raced, drowning out the world around me, fixated solely on him. He looked as though he might perish, and for a fleeting moment, I feared I would be left with emptiness if he did. It's so peculiar. Should I seek a physician's counsel? My heart races whenever I see him, yet when he's absent, all I can think of is his face. So handsome, so perfect." She absentmindedly toyed with my slender fingers as she spoke.

"My dear... this condition is indeed peculiar... How much did you converse with him?" I inquired with a heavy sigh, recognizing the telltale signs of love at first sight that had ensnared her heart. Just like in the stories, Bai Mingling had fallen deeply for Hu Xuan, descending into darkness when faced with the prospect of losing him to another.

"We exchanged few words. I found solace in watching him sleep. I stole glances as he smiled while reading. His dimples when he smiled to himself illuminated the room. I can't forget that smile. You see, I dreamt last night that he was an emperor and I stood faithfully by his side. In the dream, I possessed powers, battling evil to safeguard his reign over millions. I was filled with joy, accompanying him in an unfamiliar world. I could even fly. Can you imagine? Flying beside him, above mountains and seas. The breeze on my face, the scent of blossoms, and the briny sea—all so vivid. Though I had never been to those places, it felt real, as if I had experienced it all before." Her excitement waned with her next words, replaced by a sigh. "But in my dream, I knew his heart belonged to another. Even as I remained by his side day and night, he yearned for someone else."

My heart constricted with empathy. I knew that feeling all too well. Bai Mingling was beginning to dream of her past, just as I had. She was experiencing the time when the demoness returned to the human realm after the war, aiding Hu Xuan in ruling. She wasn't merely a figment of the author's imagination; she was somehow trapped as a character in his book. It felt as though the world was slowly unraveling, as if something momentous loomed ahead with the characters' self-realization. Man Chiu retaining his past memories in each of my lives was only the beginning—now it was my dreams, and soon hers.

"When did these dreams begin?" I inquired gently, as she nestled against me, seeking solace like a child.

"A month before you arrived. Initially, they were fleeting glimpses of a frightening world. I was scared at first, but gradually, it began to feel familiar. Like home. You know what was peculiar? In my dreams, I delighted in descending from that world to visit quaint villages. The people there led simple, harmonious lives. There was no disease, no starvation, no evil. They lived contentedly, marrying, having children, growing old together. Death was but a natural progression. I fell in love with those dreams, content to observe from afar, like a deity."

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