Sha Sha's fiance

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As I sat there, enveloped in silence, Liu Wei's gaze seemed distant, lost in the memories of his beloved daughter, Sha Sha. His nose was red from wiping away tears, and his solemn expression spoke volumes of the pain he carried in his heart. The room held an air of melancholy until Zhang Mei entered, her hands delicately balancing a tray of steaming food. The aroma of stir-fried vegetables and succulent slices of meat filled the small space, awakening my senses.

To my surprise, my stomach growled, a sound I had never experienced in the celestial realm. It puzzled me, this physical sensation of hunger that had taken me by surprise. I looked at my stomach in awe, struggling to comprehend the sound and the needs of this human body.

"Girl must be hungry. Let's eat, and we can continue talking later," Liu Wei said with a gentle chuckle, his voice laced with warmth and understanding.

In the celestial realm, food was not a necessity. We derived our sustenance from the spiritual energies surrounding us, and eating was reserved for special occasions or for the pleasure of taste. But there was something deeply comforting and grounding about the human experience of bodily needs, and I found myself drawn to it.

Zhang Mei placed a slice of glistening red meat, Sha Sha's favorite ham, atop a bowl of steaming white rice in front of me. Her eyes sparkled with love and a glimmer of expectation, so I smiled in response. Her face blossomed into smiles that seemed to emit its own light into this small room. My heart skipped a beat as I took in the absolute joy shown on her face.

"Thank you," I replied softly unable to say much more. I lack the vocabulary to adequately respond to humans, so instead, I reached for the crude wooden chopsticks on the table. Despite their simplicity and imperfections, they held a charm that surpassed the crystal utensils of the celestial realm. I smiled, appreciating the character and substance they possessed.

"Old Man, you need to stop calling Sha Sha, Girl this and Girl that! Liu Sha, thats the name we gave our little girl. Liu Sha reminds us to cherish each passing moment, for they are like grains of sand slipping through our fingers. It is in the ebb and flow of life that we find the true essence of our being, embracing the ever-shifting tides with grace and acceptance. Such a beautiful name and meaning, now you have you reduced her to Girl," said Zhang Mei with a tinge of sweet blame.

Liu Wei chuckled and looked at me with an apologetic expression, "I am sorry, Girl, while you are here, can you bear with this? My wife is so happy right now."

I nodded and smiled without saying a word. Even I feel that I am abit dull, but I can only blame Bai Longwang for this. The millenias of forced obedience, too fearful to speak a word lest I bring calamity upon those around me have tempered my dull personality. Each word I speak must be measured and weighed, lest I make a mistake.

Over the next few days, I witnessed Zhang Mei's unwavering kindness and love, even in her state of grief-induced madness. She treated me with the tenderness and care one would expect from a devoted mother. Despite her fractured perception of reality, she poured her heart into small acts of affection that touched me deeply.

Zhang Mei would sit beside me, gently brushing my long, silky hair with a worn wooden brush. Her touch was filled with a mixture of longing and nostalgia, as if each stroke held the essence of the daughter she had lost.
She would measure me for new clothes, her nimble fingers carefully taking my measurements as if to ensure the perfect fit. Her eyes would light up with delight as she imagined the garments adorning her beloved daughter's form. With each stitch, she poured her hopes and dreams into the fabric, stitching together fragments of joy amidst the tapestry of her fractured mind.

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