Regent Bai's heart

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After we were dismissed from the courtroom, we made our way back to the Bai Regent's palace. The atmosphere was heavy with tension, and I couldn't shake off the lingering image of the magistrate's bloodied body being dragged away. Mother Bai clung to me, her tears staining my shoulder, while I remained composed on the outside, my heart still racing from the ordeal. I felt the same sensations that I felt when flying towards the Demon Tower in my dream—excitement, anticipation, and a little fear.

As we entered the grand halls of the palace, a servant approached me with an urgent message. "Miss Bai, the Regent requests your presence in his study," the servant said.

I followed him, gently shaking away Mother Bai's trembling clasp and smiled a reassuring smile. Left with no choice, she watched me walk away with watery eyes and visible fear on her face. I shook off the doubts and steadied my own feelings. When we reached Regent's study, the servant bowed and left me alone with his imposing figure. His stern face was unreadable, his eyes piercing as he gestured for me to approach. In my mind, the stern mask superimposed on the indulgent fatherly affections I had experienced as Bai Mingling. I calculated my chances and anticipated his next moves. This stripped away any fear I ought to have. Sensing my gaze, he looked up from the mountain of paperwork before him and smiled. I recognised this smile. It is the one he plasters on before exploding in anger.

"Bai Xiao Wei, was today enough?" he asked, his voice levelled and cold. In my heart I knew that at this moment, I had to take a gamble.

"Uncle…Regent Bai," I started, my voice steady but filled with conviction. "I did not conspire to kill my father. What I said was the truth—it was self-defense. But I admit that I tried to prolong time to escape. I needed to reach you before Zhang Tun could get to us. I could not see a future as that man's concubine and would rather stand and fight for a chance at survival. I have no regrets."

The Regent listened intently, his gaze never leaving my face but did not speak a word. I knew that he was giving me a chance to save myself, so I continued. "That man is corrupt. He has ruined the district—his people are enthralled by gambling and prostitutes. For normal people, there are no opportunities, no future, and no justice. This is the truth, you must believe me."

Silence continued to hang in the air as his sharp eyes continued to scrutinise my face. My heart pounded, this is the moment that would either break or make this relationship. My mind raced quickly, trying to remember what the Bai family did in the original novel and how they courted death. Bai Regent's character setting was a villian. He was only ever good to his family and ruled the south with an iron fist. But no matter what, he never exploited his people and the south was always prosperous and safe. His ruthlessness and downfall originated from covering for Bai Mingling's actions which got worse as the novel progressed and they fell into the female lead's traps. I was clear that Bai Regent will cover and protect his family above all else, even morality and laws. I bit my lips and stared directly into his eyes.

"I killed more people. Zhang Tun sent men after Mother and me. They were given orders to take us back to sell us to the prostitute den, and one even wanted to ruin my innocence. I killed them to protect Mother and myself. With help, we buried them in a pit just outside the city."

My heart pounded but I refused to break eye contact with him, as if I was taming a wild beast. I confessed it all, baring all my truths and lies to the Regent, throwing my whole lot with on the gambling board. This is a big risk to reveal the truth, but I am already on the tiger's back, and there is no way to back down.

He narrowed his eyes, tension filled the air as each heart beat counted down the silence. I remained silent, waiting for his judgement, my palms and back sweaty with nerves.

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