Female lead - Wei Wei

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Thump! Thump!

"My daughter! You bastard! How dare you hit her so hard...give me back my daughter!"

Screeching pain escaped the woman's lips.

"Shut up! If you had just spat out the jewels instead of resisting, she won't be in this situation!"

Thump! More pitiful cries.

"You monster! She is your daughter! Oh my god, Bai To, you are not a human. Give me back my daughter, otherwise I will kill you!"

"Just try..."

More screeching.

"So loud..." I moaned.

My head felt like it will explode any minute now. The pressure and pain is unbearable. Kill me now...

"My daughter, thank god, you are alive!" said the woman as she held me in her arms.

I struggled to open my eyes as she pressed my face against her chest.

"Get out of my way," shouted the man. 

I turned to see the last sneer on his face before he left. Then I looked at the woman whose beautiful face was beaten black and blue. The panda eye, the tossled hair and the bloodied lip accompanied lifeless eyes that was filled with worry and fear. I know this face.

I sighed.

It appears that once again, death did not release me from this curse.  Instead, I have transmigrated again. This time I became the female lead, the very own Bai Xiao Wei. I became the female lead in a reverse harem web novel. Damn it!

In the novel, Bai Xiao Wei's family was troublesome, especially, her father was a useless man, addicted to gambling and living off his brother's money and status. It was made worse by a calculating mother, who counted pennies and always eyed other's wealth. A part of Bai Xiao Wei's misery in her first life was due to her parents adding fuel to the fire. They pushed the Bai Regent to punish them mercilessly, adding bad blood to more bad blood.

I looked around, the room that have been stripped bare from any precious artefact and the weeping mother who had risked her life to protect the last pieces of silver from a good for nothing violent husband.

"Mother couldn't protect you. I am so sorry. I didn't think he would hit you as well," she cried.

I gingerly raised my fingers to my forehead and winched. The blood had started to slow down but the gash felt large. Damn it, this will leave a scar. I cursed inwardly, this perfect beauty is marred.

"This won't do, mother, he will gamble that silver away quite quickly and will return drunk again. I don't think we will survive it. We need to go!" I exclaimed weakly.

"But where can we go? We have no more money left, all the servants have run away and stolen our horses. We're destitute, Wei Wei, your heartless father has made us destitute! We will die in this god foresaken place!" she cried. A low guttural moan escaped her lips, a sound so pitiful and heartbreaking.

"We need to find Uncle's family. They will at least protect us from starvation. We'll have to figure out the next steps," I said calmly.

"Regent Bai and his wife wishes to spit on our graves. They will probably rejoice over our misfortunes rather than help us. Oh the shame, at that time your father insulted his brother and stole all the family inheritance. Even I was so short sighted as to insult that woman and gloated over the news that her husband died in battle. Who knew that he would come back and continue to rise and rise?"

"Mother we have no choice. Either we leave now and risk rejection but save our lives or we die here with that monster. Anyways, all that was in the past, I am sure we will be able to recover the relationship with them. Afterall, blood is thicker than water, they will help us."

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