Settling in

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Mother Bai was in awe as we were led through the grand hallways of the palace. The intricate details on the walls and ceilings were a sight to behold. I felt a sense of nostalgia and excitement welling up inside me. This was the place where I seemed to always return to, no matter which character I became, somehow this place is tied to me. And now, after so many days and a separation of a lifetime, I am back.

The guards led us to a spacious room that overlooked a beautiful garden. The room was decorated in shades of gold and red, with intricate carvings on the walls and silk curtains that billowed in the breeze. A large bed was tucked against the wall and hidden from immediate sight  by a large intricately painted silk screen.  A small round table and two chairs  sat in the middle of the room, positioned between the entrance and the silk screen.

As we settled into our new luxurious surroundings, three women walked into the room and greeted us with a slight head bow. They were all of pleasant appearance, but their demeanor exuded strength and martial prowess.

The first guard stepped forward and introduced herself as Wu Meiniang, followed by her comrades, Liu Feiyan and Chen Xiaohong. Their names alone carried an air of authority and respect.

"Madame Bai and Miss Bai, the Regent and our Madame hopes that you can try to be comfortable here while they investigate our case. Our Madame instructed that we treat you as guests here, innocent until proven otherwise. The difference is that we must guard you, so please keep things simple and be within our sight at all times. My sisters and I tend to get anxious if our target is unaccounted for," Wu Meiniang said with a stern yet reassuring voice.

Their simple tidy dresses belied their martial prowess and skill, and I couldn't help but feel the  underlying threat. I smiled to reassure them, "I understand, Mother and I are clear about our situation. We see this place as our home with our family by our side, so we will wait patiently for the outcome of the investigation. You can be reassured."

Wu Meiniang smiled curtly and nodded, "in that case, we will be taking turns to guard you outside. Our Madame has instructed that you are allowed to walk around this courtyard only and are not allowed to interact with other members of the family until your name is cleared. If you need anything, let us know and we will direct it your way."

"I understand," I said.

"Our Madame has already instructed for a physician to check up on you, soon we will bring him in," replied Wu Meiniang.

As she spoke, the door creaked open and a gentle-looking man in his forties stepped in. "Pardon my intrusion, the head steward directed me here,  I am physician Liang Yan," he said, bowing his head slightly. "I have been summoned by the Madame to examine the guests here."

Wu Meiniang nodded and allowed him to approach Mother Bai. Physician Liang's kind demeanor seemed to put her at ease and she lessened her grip on me. I smiled and gently patted Mother Bai's hand reassuringly. As he examined Mother Bai, he couldn't help but express his surprise at the extent of her injuries. "Madame Bai, your pulse is weak and your complexion is ashened. Can you please describe the pain on your body?"

"Phyician Liang, there is no place in my body that does not hurt, I find it difficult to breathe and move," replied Mother Bai.

He frowned and shook his head as if silently muttering to himself before turning to Wu Meiniang, "I need to send for my female apprentice to inspect Madame Bai's body. I suspect that she may have a broken rib that will need to be wrapped up. Judging by the extensive bruising and swelling on her face and arm, I don't doubt that there will be others on her body."

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