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As I neared the garden, Bai Mingling's petite figure danced in the distance, her laughter echoing like a melodious tune. She was still the epitome of innocence and charm, untouched by the complexities of love and jealousy. I found myself smiling, wishing for time to stand still, for her to remain unscathed by the impending plot. But I knew better. The story had to unfold as destined, for that was my only escape from this world. A bitter taste filled my mouth, a stark reminder of my harsh reality. I sighed, knowing the cycle of death and rebirth had to end, and I had to confront the truth.

"Cousin!" I called out softly. Bai Mingling turned, her face lighting up with a joyous smile. "You are here! I was worried after seeing Mother this morning." She rushed towards me, her eyes filled with a mix of pity and concern.

"There's no need for sadness. Aunt has been very kind to me and Mother," I reassured her, managing a small smile.

Her face brightened at my words. "You are beautiful, especially when you smile! It's no wonder the prince fell for you at first sight," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "But it's no surprise, after all, you are my cousin!"

"The prince is still a man. I'm not sure he can be trusted. Right now, my only concern is my family. We've been through too much. Mother and I need to find our stability again," I confessed to her, observing her reaction.

"But you have us. This may be a new environment, but we will protect you. Cousin, you are a Bai, you are family!" she declared, her voice filled with determination.

"Thank you, Mingling. Your kindness warms my heart," I said, squeezing her hand in gratitude. She giggled in response.

"Too many bad things have happened recently. I wonder if the gods have forsaken us," I mused aloud.

"No, the gods are with us. Father is a good man, renowned for his righteousness. Our brothers hold high positions. You and I are adored. Mother and Aunt are healthy. We are blessed, cousin," she reassured me.

"Perhaps you're right, Mingling. It's just that I feel the gods might be angry at us since everything happened."

"I nearly forgot! Mother is taking us to the temple soon. It's a good time to thank the gods for protecting you and bringing you back safely. I'll ask Mother if you can come too," she suggested.

I nodded, knowing the temple visit was crucial to the plot and my next steps. I spent a little more time with Bai Mingling before retreating to my room. I excused myself from meals and laid in bed until nighttime. When everyone was asleep, I snuck out to the lotus pond in the large garden at the back of the Bai palace. It was quiet and still, the water reflecting the cloud-covered moon. I made sure no one was around before I began to undress. The silk fabric fell to the ground and I stepped into the cold water. My bare skin prickled and my body shook as I submerged myself in the icy water. I counted to two hundred, shivering and instinctively wrapping my arms around my body.

When I returned, my teeth were still chattering and my hands and feet were numb despite the layers of clothing and thick blanket. I drifted in and out of sleep, snippets of conversations blending with my dreams. My mind was fuzzy and I allowed the world to continue revolving around me. By the time I could sit up, the dark patches under Mother Bai's eyes and her swollen face told me all I needed to know.

"Mother..." I croaked.

Mother Bai wiped her eyes and gently patted my cheek. "The Prince has been asking about you constantly. He's been waiting outside every morning for news of your condition," she informed me. I swallowed the bitter medicine she spooned into my mouth, the warmth spreading through my body.

"Xiao Wei, I was terrified. Your body was burning up, your clothes soaked through. I thought we were going to lose you," she confessed, her voice choked with emotion. I weakly patted her hand, my gaze drifting to the closed door. Noticing my attention, she quickly added, "He was here this morning, but he's left now."

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