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Hu Xuan woke up and found himself laying next to an unfamiliar woman in an unfamiliar place. He looked around in a daze. Who is she and why is he here?

He sat up abruptly, it seems like he is forgetting to do something important, but what it is, he has no idea. What he does know is that he should not be here.

"Honey, where are you going?" asked a soft voice.

He looked at her and frowned. Where is he going?

"Who are you?" he asked. A feeling of déjàvu creeped over his body and it is something he feels that he cannot shake.

"Honey, you are my husband, Lei Xuan. Don't be anxious. Stay here for a bit and read this, you will understand," she said and pulled out a bamboo scroll for him.

The more he read the information on the scroll the more disoriented he felt. He tried to dig through his memories to disprove the words but all that greeted him was a black wall of nothingness. But something deep inside his consciousness tells him that this is wrong.

"How is this possible..." he muttered.

"I know it is a shock to you, but it is the truth. I understand that it is difficult to accept but you really have lost your ability to remember the past. Every day is a new day for you....my heart breaks for you daily. Honey, I have witnessed years of you struggling with your identity, so don't be too hard on yourself," she said as she gently massaged his temples.

The soft fingers pressed firmly and rotated in familiar circular movements. The pressure was satisfying and comfortable, reassuring Hu Xuan that he has experienced this countless times before.

He looked up at her pretty face and felt an unease. There is something wrong about this situation but he can't seem to articulate it.

"What is your name?" he asked.

She smiled knowingly as if expecting his question. Slowly she recounted their story and lulled him with her words. Desperate to escape but the strong pull of her words and his rationality made him pause. Soon he  fell back in to a helpless sleep making the woman next to him sigh deeply.

This task that her master had given her to do is just to difficult. She looked outside towards the early dawn and yearned for the day her master would recall her back and release her from this place.


Days passed into weeks and weeks rolled into months and soon the issue of my groom running away, leaving me at the altar was soon replaced by other scandals in the imperial city.

I spent my days leisurely inside the Bai family's massive residence and everyone returned to their normal routine.

Since that day I felt an ever widening gap separating Second Brother and I. Deep down I knew that our relationship has changed. Seeing him act out the ruthless and possessive characteristics have sobered me up. After all, this is the world of a novel, so I must always be on my guard.

These days I rarely see anyone and especially avoided Xiao Wei's visits. Maybe she could see that I am well behaved and not a threat to her, which is why she has also not made a move. I assured myself that if I don't set foot outside and meet her, then my family and I will be safe.

I thought I had started to beat the death plot and slowly let down my guard. Inside my heart, I yearned to return back to the early days of my transmigration. I thought I was clever, I thought if I could stay out of her way and be obedient, I could avoid the tragedy that that author had in store for me.

I relaxed my guard as time passed by, even the issue of Hu Xuan's disappearance ceased to concern me. After all, even his family has not raised a concern then I have no need.

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