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Man Chiu counted to thirty before slamming his palm onto the table. The force of his palm sent shockwaves through the wooden fibres of the table and broke it into pieces. In an instant he grabbed a flying wooden piece and threw it into the corner of the room where the black clothed guards was hiding.

The wooden splinter pierced the man's chest and he collapsed face first onto the ground. The man next to him knelt down immediately begging for forgiveness.

"I cannot even rely on you for such a small thing! I asked you to prepare a present for her but you give her a chest full of eyeballs and severed fingers! Useless idiots!" he sneered.

"Young Master, you told us not to show her the bodies. We chose to keep the best bits to show her how much you cared for and avenged her sufferings. Who knew she is such a weakling and misunderstood?" stammered the other man.

"So you're saying it's all my fault? I raised a bunch of idiots. The ones who kidnapped and nearly starved to death a girl and the other ones who wants to scare her to death!" exclaimed Man Chiu.

The remaining man gulped as he looked at the young man's dark aura. He does not want to die by really he cannot hold back the following words.

"Well...Young Master's words and tone could have also mislead her to believe..." and braced himself to be killed at that instant.

Man Chiu glared at the audacious servant but felt shamed by the truth of his words. He thought about the words he have said to her and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Go outside and receive your punishment," commanded Man Chiu.

He  looked at the fingertip filled with a red bite mark and smiled.

"Wait...you come back after getting rid of that body. Have someone change the table," he said before rolling the wheelchair to the bookshelf and pretended to start reading.

The alive man sighed with relief and knelt down to carry the dead man out of the room. As soon as he left, Man Chiu immediately rubbed his temples. He has never interacted with a girl who is not his family or an enemy before. Now he has this girl who is soft and weak, he does not know how to act or what to say.

"Young Master, this humble one has returned," said the black clothed man interrupting Man Chiu's internal dialogue.

"You stated so boldly that my words would have scared her. Explain," said Man Chiu.

"Forgive me Master..." stuttered the man.


The man took in a deep breath and spoke rapidly.

"My wife have always said to me that since my hands are stained with blood, I come home with a cold and murderous aura. This is unintentional but scares her and the kids."

"Murderous aura?"

"I don't notice it myself but others do. Young Master we kill without battling an eyelid but that is part of our mission and purpose. We are used to it and cannot detect how different we have become. Others don't have to face the blood and the gore, so they would naturally be scared of it and those who yield a sword."


"Pointing out the obvious....you had her kidnapped from inside her own house, starved her for seven days and then threatened her with torture....I think that's more than enough to scare a little girl."

"...." Man Chiu hesitated not knowing what to say. All of it is true and he has been so immersed in his own thoughts about her that he forgot to think from her point of view. He didn't plan to torture her...how can he?

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