Unwanted visitors

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The unconcious woman, having been beaten black and blue is definitely not in a state to leave the house. I sighed in exhaustion. My eyes blurry with pain and as I looked down at my own hands and clothes that is covered in blood and giggled like a mad woman.

In fact, neither am I.

It took adrendalin and all my remaining strength to kill the man and now I am left with nothing. Not even the strength to wash myself. Ignoring the raging curses in my mind, I held the unconcious woman in my arms and allowed the drowsiness to overtake me. The world continued to spin at a dizzing pace as I closed my eyes and I wished I could just go home.

When I woke up we were still laying in the corridor outside the murder scene. The dark sky is starting to show signs of lightening as the sun threatens to rise. I have never dreaded a sunrise as much as now. I loked at Mother Bai who continues to sleep peacefully on the ground, her chest rises and falls steadily giving of a strange calmness that is out of place at this time. At least the dizziness has stopped and only pain remained.

I groaned and lightly shook her body. I didn't want to wake her up from whatever sweet dream she might be having, but I cannot do this alone.

"Mother, mother, wake up," I nudged. My voice cracked from dehyration and sleeping in out in the cold all night.

"Mother....mother, I cannot do this alone, please wake up," I pleaded, shaking her shoulder more roughly.

"No....no....not my daughter.....run...." muttered Mother Bai in a dowsy whisper.

I shook her harder until she finally opened her eyes. Suddenly she grabbed onto my hand with a surprising grip and winced.

"Wei Wei are we still alive? Are you alright?" she asked. Her anxious eyes filled with tears as she scanned my face and body. Once she saw all the blood she recoiled.

"What did he do to you? Oh my god, my poor daughter!" she cried.

"Hush....mother, I'm okay right now but if we don't move, I will be hanged once people find out," I whispered.

"Hanged?" she asked in a daze.

"Look, I stabbed him and he will die soon. Mother, that means I am a murderer. Even if it is self defense, that corrupt Magistrate will hang me after he does whatever he wants with me. If I am caught it is all over," I whispered.

Her eyes was filled with confusion and doubt. Looking disoriented she cradled her head in pain before sobbing again.

"But Wei Wei, your father said that the Magistrate wanted to marry you, he will definitely help you," she cried.

"Mother...pull yourself together. That man cannot be trusted. He will use me and then gladly throw me away once he is satisifed. Men cannot be trusted, Mother, you know this first hand. You must help me and we might have a chance to survive this. Please, pull it together!"

Mother Bai's eyes rounded in recognition and she nodded with determination. That is right, no man can be trusted, lest of all, the man whom her husband had sold her daughter to. She wiped the tears and crusted blood off her face. I told her my plan and despite her shock, Mother Bai obediently did as I planned. First we cleaned ourselves with cold water, washing away as much as possible the blood that clung to us.

Then we went back into the room where the 'father' laid gasping for his last breaths. His brows frowned and he struggled to open his eyes. I pushed him onto the ground and cut his dress revealing the deep cut and congealed blood. As Mother Bai started cleaning up the room, sweeping away broken furniture and wiping down the blood, I proceeded to stitch him up. Using sewing needles and thread, I meticulously closed his wound. The man was barely breathing at this point but his head was wet with beads of sweat. The funky smell of rusty blood mixed with a disgusting body odour was nauseating but I persisted. Once the wounds are all stitched up, I wiped clean the area and stripped him naked.

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