Churning Circle

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The ground trembled beneath my feet as I neared the precipice of the Churning Circle. Its gravitational force intensified, tugging at my very essence, threatening to drag me into its swirling depths. Whisps of doubt surfaced in my mind, leaving so many unanswered questions into an unknown future and possible erase of my existence made my steps hesitate. As the ethereal tendrils of the Circle's power caressed my skin, my heart toughened, burning the doubts that was starting to form. Certain death is a better option than returning to eternal imprisonment and oppression. Bai Longwang's actions is too wicked and domineering that every fibre of my being resists his advances.

With unwavering conviction, I took a leap of faith into the maw of the abyss. The vortex eagerly seized me, swallowing my form in a tumultuous surge of kinetic energy. Time and space melded together, melding into an incomprehensible tapestry of intermingled light and shadow.

Inside the Churning Circle, I was thrust into a realm of turbulent chaos. The relentless currents tore at my being, spinning me uncontrollably in a dizzying whirlwind of disorienting motion. Every passing moment stretched out like an eternity, challenging my ability to maintain composure amidst the tempestuous maelstrom.

The very fabric of reality seemed to twist and bend, defying the once familiar laws of nature. Yet, I refused to yield to the ceaseless assault. Drawing upon my inner power core, I engaged in a battle against the chaotic currents, seeking to anchor myself amidst the swirling sea of unpredictability. Longwang said I was ready for greatness and I didn't believe him until the Churning Circle responded to my defiance, slowing down its violent tempest and suddenly turned uneasily calm.

Just when I thought I had conquered the unreinable black hole, the Churning Circle laughed in my face, ramping up its onslaught in a desperate attempt to consume me. It unleashed a symphony of turbulent forces, pushing me to my very limits. But still, I pressed on, my movements morphing into an elegant dance of survival amidst the tumultuous backdrop.

In the face of the vortex's fury, I yielded to my body's innate desires and allowed trellises of power to emanate from within me, intertwining with the chaotic forces that sought to overpower me. The environment around me pulsed with an insatiable hunger, draining my powers at a rapid pace.  I summoned my resolve, channeling the essence of my core, strengthening the trelliss of powers that seems to be easily absorbed within the chaotic forces. My powers rapidly drained as the environment around me seem to gain power and momentum. But I clung to the ember of hope within, refusing to surrender to the overwhelming chaos. I need to survive this, for everything to mean something.

Before I blacked out, I was just grateful for the escape. My last thought was that at least I will not die as a toy within Bai Longwang's grip.

As my consciousness gradually returned, I found myself greeted by a scene of ethereal beauty, something beyond the endless perfection I had experienced in the celestial realm. The grey sky and imperfect light screams of life that is finite and unpredictable. I sighed in relief, realisation seeped in, I have escaped!

I laid unmoving, my eyes drinking in the breathtaking panorama that lay before me. Below, the boundless expanse of the ocean unfolded, the sound of waves crashing against the rugged rocks with unrestrained fervor echoed the torrent in my heart. The salty mist rose, casting a mystical haze that shrouded the air, carrying whispers of distant lands and undiscovered horizons. I had learnt about the terrible harshness and empheral mortal realm, but it appears I am now in it. An indescribeable sensation in my heart swelled.

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