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"They are murderers. Both of them are snakes who killed your brother in cold blood. How can you still eat with them?" Old Madame Bai's voice thundered through the room. She fixed her gaze on her son and his wife, her face contorted with unmistakable disgust. Madame Bai placed her chopsticks down with a controlled sigh and turned towards her husband.

The room was enveloped in a tense silence. Bai Mingling nudged my side, slipping a piece of meat into my bowl. I kept my head bowed, chewing the meat slowly, feeling the hostile glares burning holes in my scalp as the room's atmosphere turned glacial. "Mingling, don't associate with that murderess, lest you become like her and kill your own father," she spat out. Bai Mingling froze and buried her face into her bowl.

"Mother, that's enough. If their presence distresses you so much, you're welcome to retire to your rooms. I anticipated that their appearance tonight might agitate you, which is why I hadn't invited you to eat with us. Once you're calmer, my sister-in-law can explain the situation to you," Regent Bai intervened, his tone tight with restraint. Bai Mingling glanced up, and I held her hand in mine before she could say a word. She squeezed my hand as if to acknowledge the warning.

Seeing that no one moved to side with her, Old Madame Bai walked over to stand directly in front of Mother Bai and me. Mother Bai trembled beside me and slowly stood up. "Mother, I can explain..." she said before she squealed in pain. The matriarch, who could have commanded the highest respect within the household, had abandoned her dignity in favour of launching herself at Mother Bai, her face twisted in a mask of pure wrath. I quickly seized her thin wrists, prying her grip off Mother Bai, unintentionally pulling out a clump of hair. "Please..." Mother Bai implored, her eyes glistening as her head was yanked hard sideways within the old woman's grip.

"Mother! That is enough, let her go!" Regent Bai's voice boomed. I glanced at his face, which had turned a deep red, recognizing the signs of his suppressed anger. In the original book, Old Madame Bai sided with Bai Xiao Wei and blindly led the family into her schemes. Only when the Bai family knelt on the execution grounds did the old woman realize that she had been tricked because of her completely biased love towards the second son. Just like Regent Bai's unconditional love for Bai Mingling led to the ultimate downfall of the Bai family, Old Madame Bai's love for her second son created the thorn and opportunities for the female lead to tear the family apart and ruin them.

The old Madame's eyes locked onto her son, fiery rage burning in their depths. She pointed her finger at the eldest son she never cared for and cursed him. "Unfilial child! You never cared for your brother! You wished for his death. And now his own flesh and blood has killed him. You must be elated to witness your brother's tragic demise. Deities above, look down upon this spectacle! Animals, you're all worse than animals. I curse you all, the criminals who took my child's life. My poor child!" she howled. She tightened her grip on Mother Bai's hair and resisted those trying to pry her fingers open. I was amazed at the old woman's incredible strength, but seeing Mother Bai wincing in pain, I had to use more force to remove her.

"You monster. Why are you still alive?" she screeched. I looked down at her. She staggered backwards as if her body lost control and weakly pointed her finger at me. "He was your father."

"Escort Old Madame Bai back to her chambers and make sure she's attended to," Regent Bai commanded. From the corner of my eye, I caught Madame Bai placing her hand over Regent Bai's clenched fist. "Ensure she doesn't hurt herself. The shock of her son's death has unsettled her mind," she instructed.

"You wretched creature! I'm perfectly sane. It's you lot who've lost your humanity!" the old woman screamed, her eyes reddening with fury, her mouth frothing.

"Bai Xiao Wei, don't let it trouble you. Your grandmother is struggling to cope with the news. She only managed to leave her bed today," Regent Bai commented, his voice attempting a soothing tone. I nodded, patting Mother Bai's hand to ease her trembling. "Mother will eventually understand. I hope to demonstrate my sincerity," Mother Bai said shakily.

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