Bai Mingling

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"An An, today you must do what you promised!" exclaimed Bai Mingling.

I smiled and shook my head. A little too indulgently towards the story's villainess. Thinking back, I am amazed by the turn of events. Since that night I was caught by the Bai Regent and Madame, I had become a honoured guest in the residence. They didn't pry into my history and the reason for my mysterious appearance on the top of their roof, but I couldn't help but open up to them.

Once they knew my identity, Bai Madame treated me with exceptional kindness bordering on the edge of pity. I could understand, since they love their daughter as if she was life itself, the idea of forced marriage would have be unspeakable to them.

Even though the engagement was Rui An's idea and she was the person originally obsessed with Man Chiu, I happily let the Bai family continue to misunderstand. As I was a female guest, I was only introduced to and interacted with the female members of the Bai family.

I stayed close Bai Mingling and stayed in the women's quarters. The customs of the Tang dynasty is more restrictive than Muon Tribe and the Man Clan. So even though they don't actively restrict my movements, I decided to follow custom. There was nothing outside that drew my attention anyways. As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

I exchanged my travel attire and dressed in the finest Tang dresses. After experiencing the more practical clothing of the tribes outside the Middle Empire, I found that the traditional dresses are femine but more restrictive. Truth be told, I miss the trousers and blouses that the Muon Tribe favoured.

I was surprised that Bai Mingling was different from the small hearted villianous character that the novel described. In the absence of blinding love and the competitive jealousy against the female lead, I found Bai Mingling a naive and straightforward character. Her spoilt nature is almost endearing if you overlook the future consequences.

"Mingling, your mother had warned me about the potential damage you can cause if you use the sword," I said with a giggle.

"Mother is unfair. Why is that only my brothers can learn but I cannot? I am stuck in this palace all day while my brothers can go out and do great things. An An, you know, even with my marriage, Father wants the man to marry in. Its like I cannot leave here at all!" whined Bai Mingling.

"You are bathed in luck but you don't realise it. Why would you want to use a sword? Look at the callouses on my hands and compare it with your soft like tofu skin. Is it worth it?" I asked.

She blushed and twirled a strand of hair with one finger. Her adorable pretty face was in serious contemplation. Then with a determined look she rushed to my side and held onto my arm and nuzzled her head on my arm.

"But..An An, a few self defense moves would be good to learn, right? Besides, the elders say that a woman's success in life is on how well she chooses her husband. What will happen if I marry an abusive man and I can't protect myself? One day parents will leave this world and my brothers will be too busy with their own households to care for their sister. So, isn't it right that you can teach me a few moves to save myself?"

"So Mingling isn't worried about having callous filled hands? Take a closer look at mine, its not even just the callouses but don't you like the veins and man-like structure?" I teased.

Her big round eyes widened like a puppy and she shook her head, as if denying the description of my hands. She flashed those killer dimples and smiled sweetly. When I transmigrated into her body, I didn't really appreciate how pretty she was, but now I am on the recieving end, I am struck speechless. As Rui An, this body is taller and more athletic. She grew up on horseback, shooting arrows and swinging swords since she was three years old. The toughness of a tribal woman could not be a starker contrast against the soft women of the restrictive Middle Empire. Contrasted with petite Bai Mingling, I now feel like an awkward giant.

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