Missing Him

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"Hanli! No...no...don't scare me..." I shook him desperately. The man had collapsed on my shoulders and now laid deadly still. Just like before he seemed to stop breathing completely and when I checked he had a barely perceptible pulse. I took in a deep breath and bent over to perform CPR again with the hope that it works twice.

However just right before our lips touched he opened his eyes and stared at me coldly. The sharp cold gaze cut through my enthusiasm like a subzero icy breeze, leaving me a little stunned.

Hanli pushed me away and sat up. His eyes filled with confusion and coldness as he scrutinised my shocked face.

"Muon Rui An, get away from me," he said coldly.

The familiar warmth that I had enjoyed these last few months suddenly dissipated as quickly as mist under the scorching sun. His eyes said it all, the light that always flickered in his eyes when he looked at me is now gone. Instantly I knew, He is gone.

"You are not Him. Who are you?" I asked cautiously. I silently fear the answer, praying that it will not lead me to somewhere painful that I wish not to know.

"I am Hanli," he answered.

Cold, so cold, it seems like this is the real Hanli. The same face and skin but the soul inside is different. My heart turned cold as well, the warmth seems to have been extinguished by his absence.

"Where is my Hanli?" I asked.

"I don't know. For months I have been trapped inside an unnamed darkness and now I have finally managed to break free. That person or thing that had possessed my body is gone," he replied.

I sighed. I don't doubt his words, the man's mannerism and tone towards me had made a complete one eighty degree turn compared to before. As a fellow transmigrator, I understand. A indescribable heaviness weighed my heart, leaving a dull pain and bitter taste in my mouth. Once again, He has left me. Just when I begin to open my heart, an invisible force pry away my threads of joy. Such a curse is too cruel.

"I guess you have no recollection of these last few months?" I asked bitterly.

"None. I am sorry Muon Rui An."

"Then I suppose you want to go back?"

"Yes. I have someone waiting for me. She would be very sad by now," he replied.

I suppressed the simultaneous desire to laugh and cry. This Hanli has a sweetheart waiting for him at home and I have inadvertently stolen him from her these last few months. The young lady's pain is now on my shoulders. Fool! Why did I act so recklessly? I regret it, I regret very much.

"This is good. Fine go back, but don't you dare reveal my whereabouts. Not that it matters anyhow, because by the time you get back I will be gone from here. Hanli, sorry for this, please forgive me," I said.

"Muon Rui An, I hope you can run far. The Man heir is not simple and cannot be trifled with," he said.

"You are a good man, Hanli...I hope we don't see each other again," I said absentmindedly.

Of course I know about Man Chiu's personality, the only goodness he possesses is reserved for the female lead. As for the rest of the world, he does not hold back and morals is just a word without definition.

He nodded and flew off the roof, jumping from one roof to another easily, silently, like an agile cat traversing the night sky. He didn't look back. I sighed and wiped away the tears that unceremoniously pooled. Deflated, I leaned back on the tiled roof and watched grey clouds float over the crescent moon. Just like my mood, the sky darkened into a miserable shade of grey black.

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