Man Chiu's end

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Man Chiu went crazy as he watched last embers of life drain from her eyes. His mind could not process it.  She hated him so much that she would rather dig out her heart than to return with him?

He could not believe it. How can she not even give him a cruel. She is too cruel. The pain in his chest deepen as he held her lifeless body in his arms. A searing pain as if she had plunged that knife into his own body. The vessels in his eyes bursted from the pressure. He blamed her completely. Not the Rui Muon An, whose body is but a dead object in his eyes, but the soul that had possess this person. He wanted to shake her awake and force an answer from her.

Why does she have a hold over him? This invisible soul whom he had never seen her true form has the power to tie him to her, to make him act irrationally, risking all his carefully laid out plans just to have her. The same soul who would rather plunge a knife into her own heart than to go back with him and become the empress of this whole god damn world.

He wanted an answer that could never be found in this life.

Who are you?

This enigma, the one stain in his life that he cannot understand and never obtain. An uncomfortable ache in his heart, a feeling that he had never experienced before that felt very much like regret stirred. It was infinitely more painful than anything he had experienced. Definitely more painful than watching his own father gut his mother with his favourite blade. The girl's blood flowing from the cavity in her chest brought back images of his mother's guts spilling out as the cruel man stepped over her body and carried him in his arms. The mother's lifeless body etched itself in his three year old memory. As did the words his father said as he walked out of the danky cell.

"Don't be weak like your mother."

Man Chiu grinned. He hid behind his sickly image all these years just so that those beasts in human skin will underestimate him and tear each other apart first. But she made him too anxious and blew his own cover. The arrow was shot and the wheels kicked into motion. He had to follow his plan, but was unpleasantly surprised when he killed those people who stood between him and power. The lifeless eyes of the man who had tortured him all these years did not bring him any satisfaction. Even as he slashed the so called 'sisters', Man Chiu felt nothing but impatience. He wanted to get rid of those people quickly so that he can get Rui An back.

All that effot was for naught. She would rather slice out her own heart than to be his wife. For once, he felt that he must be truly a hideous beast. The worst part was that he would never know why. He chuckled, hating himself for his own weakness.

From behind the silk screens emerged the beautiful figure of Bai Xiao Wei. She had followed Man Chiu in his crusade into the Middle Empire and watched with satisfaction when he imprisoned and tortured her uncle's family. She watched as Man Chiu ordered Bai Regent's fingers to be crushed so that her aunt will write that letter. Xiao Wei did not even flinch when a speck of blood landed on her face. Instead, she was pleased. The revenge she desired and nursed in her heart is finally coming to fruition. Delivered by her beloved Man Chiu made it even more satisfying.

Xiao Wei was displeased to see Man Chiu's obssession with Muon Rui An but she knew it was only a matter of time once he conquered her that he will grow tired of the silly girl. Especially his inhumane treatment of the Bai family and the flaying of her weak husband would just add an unbreacheable emnity between them. Overall, she was quite satisfied with the outcome. She had used the martial arts skills she learnt from Man Chiu in her previous life to kill the imperial family. The crowning glory was when she saw the tyrant's body dangling off the pillars in his great hall. The wretched postitute in the previous life has successfully killed the Emperor of the Great Tang. It wasn't even that difficult.

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