Hu Xuan

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"Miss Bai, I trust you have a decision already?" asked Hu Xuan as he took his seat in front of me.

I looked at the steely glint in the eyes of the young man before me, his words carried a teasing tone, but there was no hint of a smile in his eyes.

"Maybe? Young Master Hu is here to convince me?" I retorted.

"No, I know Miss Bai will make the right decisions even though you are not serious about marriage, I am."

"Do you need my help? Whilst my cousin's marriage isn't on the agenda for this competition, but the Bai family are not against a double marriage if all parties are willing. I can say a word to help you and grant your wishes," I said.

He narrowed his eyes and the handsome face darkened.

"Bai Mingling, what are you talking about? Why does our marriage have anything to do with your cousin?" he whispered in a low threatening voice.

"Hmm....hmm...wait, didn't you fall in love with her and trying to withdraw from this competition? Isn't that the message you gave Third Brother in the chess match?" I asked.

"No! Of course not, Mingling, since the moment I saw you skating on that frozen pond with your brother, I knew I had fallen in love with you. But I could not get another chance to see you again. Your brother kept blocking me every time. Only when the ice started to melt and Mother mentioned that the Bai family would pay a visit to the the temple to pray for a good harvest season did it occur to me that it was an opportunity to meet you again."

"You love me? Are you sure?" I stuttered.

"At first I was captured by your beauty, but since you saved my life, I knew that my love is beyond skin deep. Bai Mingling, I love you, I am willing to give everything up for you, I am willing to be son in law for the rest of my life. My feelings are this strong, so why would I love your cousin?"

"That's impossible, you and her are meant to be together," I said.

"Nonsense, I know my heart best. I made it clear to her yesterday, that if she dares try to attract my attention again, she will suffer the consequences. My dear Bai Mingling, you are all I need in this life. I promise you, I will try my best to be the husband you want."

I looked at his passionate eyes and felt my heart beat rapidly. My thoughts are in turmoil at this moment, distrusting the plotline's power and his words. He is truly leagues above other men in this story but Mingling's fate is a complete tragedy when it's tied with Hu Xuan's.

No, I must not be tempted by his good looks and sweet words. I must stick to my initial resolve and not entangle with him. Fighting with the female lead will not end well for me.

"Young Master Hu, I don't understand nor will I accept your feelings. I am sorry, but a forced fruit will not be sweet."

"Mingling, don't be so cruel and force me," he said.

"I am sincere, in this life we have no fate to be husband and wife. Please put aside your feelings for me, as time passes and you meet the true love of your life, you will realise that I made the best decision for us," I said.

"How ominous..." he said with a wicked smile.

I was mesmerised by this man's many faces. In the story he was just a love interest for the female lead to conquer but now he is no longer the two dimensional character. I can see his emotions seeping through uncontrollably and dictating his actions. The warm and gentle man is layered with cunning and wickedness...and passion.

I sighed, this man in front of me is worth fighting for as he is destined to be great. Too bad, I'm lazy. Female lead, take him, conquer him and make him happy with your x-rated activities. This villainess is too lazy to play.

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