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"Get on the baseline!"

You quickly jogged over to the baseline, your teammates right behind you. You felt tired and sore, and you're sure the rest of your teammates were feeling the same.

"I expect a suicide in under 30 seconds, otherwise we're doing it again!"

You sighed and put your right leg on the baseline "Let's get this done guys!"


You all flew to the free throw line, and sprinted back. All of you made it to the half court line, and sprinted back, then the other free throw line and back, and finally a full down and back.

Your legs felt like jelly, and your rib (or something in your stomach) was hurting, you saw the line get closer, and you gave it your all.

"To get better, you have to be uncomfortable! Otherwise, you are not pushing yourself fully!"

With that, you and all your teammates made it to the baseline right in time.

That was the last thing you all did for basketball practice that day, you listened to what he said about your practice today. After, you made your way to the locker room to change.

"Im so tired..." you heard one of your teammates say as she leaned on the locker.

"Aye we did that though!" Another teammate of yours said, trying to be enthusiastic with the suicides your coach always has you guys doing.

"I'm quitting. You guys are never going to see me again." Your other teammate said as she started to change.

You and your teammates laughed, almost everyone has said that at least once. Yet, they come back and go through the training to get better every single day.

You finished changing and quickly grabbed your bag, making your way out.

"Good job today guys! I'll see you all tomorrow." You said waving at all of them.

"Bye Y/n!"

"See you tomorrow Captain."

You left with a small smile on your face, those weren't just your teammates, out of basketball, they were also your sisters.

You put on your headphones and left the school, as you were about to cross the street, you noticed that there was a pin of one of your favorite characters on the ground.

"Woah..a pin of Chuuya?" You said going to pick it up from the ground, and when you cleaned the dirt off of it, it was in fact Chuuya.

You smiled at your luck, before it turned into one of confusion.

It was glowing.

Perhaps the suicides and fatigue have finally caught up to you..

Next thing you knew, you were surrounded by a light, and you lost conciousness.

When you woke up, you hadn't expected to wake up in the middle of a meeting, with most of the executives from what you could recognize, as the Port Mafia.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now