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"Where were you?"

"I went to bar Lupin, had a couple drinks, and found myself in the bed of a man wh-"

Dazai held a hand up, interrupting your interesting story "Nevermind, I don't want to hear it."

"Why? I wasn't even done-"

"I didn't even know you pulled."

Your jaw dropped to the ground, was this son of a bitch already picking a fight with you at nine in the morning?

"Take a look at me Mackerel, I can pull anyone I wish to seduce."

Dazai looked utterly horrified "Are you sure you suddenly woke up like that?! It seems to me like you were just hiding the fact that you were a girl hatrack."

You snickered at the look on his face "Maybe I was, Maybe I wasn't."

"Then why show your true gender now? After you had the whole world fooled into thinking you were a boy."

"You think I would be here where I am today in the Mafia, In my position, as a girl?"


"Exactly. If I ever showed my true gender, than it would be harder for me to gain the respect I need in this workplace for people to have faith in me and my judgement."

"Okay..makes sense." He said standing up and grabbing his coat "Who's the lucky guy you seduced?"

Seeing the chance to fuck with him a bit, you replied with "Odasaku."

He dropped his coat.

He looked at you in disbelief, taking the opportunity you decided to analyze him.

Oh, you fucked up.

He was angry, a small twinge of jealousy was there, and perhaps even a slight possessiveness.

You never knew the canon Dazai could feel any of those things, he's never been put in a situation where he could feel any of these.

"Chuuya..." he said a husky voice, before starting to chuckle. He stared at you dead in the eye "Odasaku?"

He walked up to you, and he grabbed the collar wrapped around your neck.

"You know you're MY dog, right?" he said with half lidded eyes "I don't know why, but it doesn't sit right with me that you're hooking up with my good friend."

"Dazai, I was just fucking around.." you said, ignoring the way his finger was tugging lightly at the stupid collar.

"Doesn't matter, don't be speaking that into existence. Otherwise, I might have to put a leash on you."

You clicked your tongue "I'm touched I'm making you feel such a way..." you carefully calloused his face with your hand "Tell me, what does it feel like?"

"I-" he suddenly snapped out of it and let go of your collar "Nothing. Fuck around with whoever you want, shortstack. Just don't hookup with my friends, otherwise we might have an issue."

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now