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"Can you call Atsushi out for me?"

"Of course! I'll be back."

The lady rushed off to fetch Atsushi for you whilst you waited at the front. You were informed the director wasn't there so you decided to stop by.

"Are you sure it's her?!"

"It's her."

You turned your head down to the hallway, and standing there was your subordinate, Atsushi.

You looked him over sadly, especially the markings around his neck.

The necklace you handed him had multiple purposes, one of them being that it acts as a prong when Atsushi transforms into a tiger, keeping him concious.

You moved your gaze a little higher, and made eye contact with Atsushi.

He saw you and ran towards you, almost tackling you to the ground and hugging you with an iron grip.

"[Name]!" He wailed out as he was shaking from crying "You're here! You're actually here!"

You hugged him back just as tightly, rubbing your nose into his hair.

All you could do was hold him.

The guilt you felt was eating you whole as he hugged you, for what Atsushi would be used for by you was horrible.

You were no better than everyone else who's attempted to get the book, if anything you're worse.

Pushing aside your feelings, you glared at the workers, and they instantly scurried off, leaving the two of you alone.

"Atsushi, Can we go out?"

"Mm." He mumbled out, hesitantly letting you go.

The both of you walked out of the Orphanage into your car. Beforehand you had bought take out food, hoping to ease the conversation.

The conversation of what had happened to you, and what you planned to do next.

"...Why'd you leave me?" He said sadly, taking a bite into his food with his gaze down "Did I scare you away?"

"You didn't scare me away, I could never be afraid of you." You said "That tiger of yours, I know it bothered you when you first saw it, but It didn't bother me."

"Why? Isn't it weird?"

"Weird? I'm just like you." You said grabbing a fork and letting your infamous orange glow cover the object, making it float.

Atsushi was amazed, staring at your power mesmerized.

"Cool! You can make things float?!"

"Something like that, I have the power of gravity." You said shrugging "Mine is nothing compared to yours."

"What??? My power isn't all that great really..." Atsushi said deflating "All I can do is turn into a stupid tiger, and even then I can barely control it.."

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now