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"My head is killing me.."

You brought your hand up to your forehead, before slowly peeling your eyes open to the blaring white light. You took a look around your surroundings, before remembering the events that took place and looking at your stomach.

The gunshot wound was gone, and you seemed fine. You pushed aside your panic and looked at the calendar that was on the wall, and it said it was three months ahead of when you last remembered everything happening.

You shot up from the bed, quickly sprinting out to the door that held all your answers.

You threw the door open, and everyone turned their heads at you.

You scanned the area with narrowed eyes, Odasaku was nowhere to be seen, Yosano was chatting with Ranpo, who were both frozen. You let your eyes roam the room, and at a desk, you saw a man who you thought you wouldn't see until later.


You stood frozen, almost like you had seen a ghost.

Yosano seeing this, immediately rushed to your aid.

"Hey hey, dont pass out again." She said leaning your weight onto her "Do you remember me?"

"You're Yosano."

"Do you remember your name?"

"Yeah, its [Name]."

"What is the last thing you remember?"

"I remember getting shot, before I passed out in Odas arms." You said recalling the horrible memory, feeling sorry for having to put Odasaku through a very scary and intense situation.

"Ranpo, she's back." Yosano said heavily before engulfing you in a hug, with Ranpo soon joining in.

"Huh?" You said at the sudden hug, before enjoying the warmth given to you.

They both pulled away from them, and from the way they looked and acted, so much shit had gone down while you were passed out.

"So, what's been going on for the last three months?" You said breaking the intense stares the two of them were giving you, before Yosano looked at Ranpo, and he nodded. She walked away, leaving the two of you alone.

"Come, I think it'd be better for you to see yourself." He said leading you to another room, before locking it. You sat down and waited for him to finish finding everything before he placed a huge file in front of you.

"Before you read it, do not blame yourself." He said "A person can only do so much alone, this is something out of your control."

You slowly nodded, feeling a bit scared to open the file. What had happened?

You slowly flipped the file, and what you saw made you genuinely shocked. It was something you'd never expected.

It was a picture.

Dazai was in the middle sitting in the throne, Gin was to his left, Akutagawa to his right. Behind him was Koyou, and next to her was HIrotsu.

Where was Mori?

Finally connecting the dots, you threw yourself back into your seat and let go of the file.

"He...no he didn't.." You said muttering in disbelief before turning to Ranpo "Why? Why'd he do it?!" 

"Keep reading the file." Is all he said.

You nodded, slowly gulping before flipping to the next page.

It was a wanted poster, and a bounty for billions of dollars. Except, on the bounty was a picture of Odasaku.

'7 billion dollars to whomever brings this man back alive to the Port Mafia.'

There was no way Dazai had issued this. Odasaku was someone important to him, he was Dazais only friend. How did it get to something like this? There was no way you could save Dazai anymore, or even think about bringing him to the other side. 

You continued reading it, and what it had was horrible. The mafia had completely changed, Akutagawa was different based on the crimes hes been suspected for, and Gin seemed to always stick by Dazais side.

There was just more, more, and some more evidence of everything being completely bad.

"What..happened to Odasaku?" You whispered "Dont tell me they got him.."

"Of course not." He said "Dont worry, him and the children and old man have fled for their safety."

"He just left?"

"The Port Mafia thinks he was responsible for your death." Ranpo said sighing "They looked everywhere, and I mean everywhere for you." 

"But..what.." you said absolutely overwhelmed with information just given to you. When did it happen? Why was the Mafia so keen on finding you? What happened to Gin? Did they punish her for failing her mission? What about Akutagawa? Has Dazai poisoned him?

"Ranpo, knock me out." You said breaking the silence and opening your eyes.

He stared at you like you were stupid "Are you okay?"

"No, but just knock me out." You said bluntly.

"Not until you tell me why."

"I need to talk with a little birdie." Was all you said, before Ranpo knocked you out cold.



You turned around to see Chuuya absolutely seething through his cage, swiping his hand towards you in an attempt to grab you.

"Because of your foolishness to try and save people who are supposed to be dead, you made an even more dangerous and bad universe." He said growling at you.

"I KNOW THAT ALREADY!" You said yelling back at Chuuya with tears in your eyes "DONT YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?! THANK YOU FOR THE OBVIOUS." You gripped onto the bars of his cage, making him step back from your angry figure.

"I DONT HAVE TIME TO ARGUE, SO DONT EVEN START." You said before taking a breath to control yourself "I know, I messed up bad. Horribly." You then glared at Chuuya "I can't cry, I can't break down right now. We have people to help and things to fix."

It seems like you said the wrong thing because Chuuya stepped back towards you and lifted his hand up, slapping you.

You let your head turn, shocked by the sudden action.

"Can you stop being so selfless?! It's okay to be selfish and focus on yourself first you stupid Idiot! You think a broken barely functioning human can help others? Oh please."

You looked at him in disbelief.

He snarled at you "Dont make me laugh, [Name]."

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now