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You said opening your eyes slowly, and getting used to the light.

When your eyes finally adjusted, you realized that you weren't in your room no more, you were laying down next to dazai, squished between the couch and him.

'Oh no..did I sleep walk??'

You were frozen, and had absolutely no idea what to do.

Dazai was luckily facing away from you, so you didn't have to make awkward eye contact. But, how were you supposed to get out?

You moved up slightly, and you heard Dazais breathing quicken, so you froze. You thought you were safe but he rolled over.

You fell on his chest, completely frozen. There was no way he didn't wake up from that.

"Get off of me~" he groaned throwing you down to the floor.

You landed with a thud, having no energy to get up from the floor. It felt comfortable for no reason.

"Chuuya?" He said peering down at you from the couch "You alive?"

You shut your eyes, but the bastard had the nerve to roll down the floor with you, landing on your back.

Your eyes widened and all the air you had left your lungs. Dazai noticed and quickly got off of you "My bad."

Already irritated, you stood up and walked away to your room, having no energy to start bickering with that idiot.

You grabbed your clothes for the day and went to the bathroom to shower, you noticed Dazai had already left though and left a note on the counter, you'd read that after though.

After showering, you went to read the note.

"Cover up, short stack."

You crumpled the note up and threw it in the trash. The irrational side of you wants to find that piece of shit and step on him.

The rational side of you though is trying to look at the overall picture. In the manga and all around mikmok, Mori was known to not be the kindest to girls.

So if he found out one of his most precious pawns were a female, that could lead to many things. He would use it to his advantage somehow.

Another part of you was anxious, he was a doctor for godsake so he'd probably notice the change in your anatomy quickly. Not to mention your change in personality.

The more you thought about what happened in one day, you realized your personality was slowly morphing into a combination of yours and Chuuyas together. Perhaps fitting in wouldn't be so hard.

You went to go find some bandages and binded your chest with them. You'd wear your bra but that thing just accentuate your boobs more. Maybe after this you'll buy sports bras or a binder.

After you finished, you made your way out and to the Port Mafia base. Along the way, you saw many of your comrades, whom you'd glance at and nod to greet.

Before you managed to make it to Chuuyas office, you saw Koyou walking down the hall. You couldn't ignore her, that was the person who oversaw Chuuya, and someone whom he called elder sister.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now