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"Chuuya, you know how I had the book and Atsushi?"


"What happened to them?"

"..I don't know." Chuuya said defeated, as the both of you aimlessly floated around the forcefield surrounding the two of you.

"..Hey, do you think it's Atsushis ability finally coming to play since he was close in contact with the book?" You said putting a hand on your chin "I'm not the smartest anymore, but maybe this forcefield has to due with the fact that the Book and Atsushi are finally together."


You pursed your lips "I don't know..call it a gut feeling." You said.

You were bored to death, what was going on outside of the stupid bubble?
"Whats the position of the target now, Mikey?"

"Target is moving west down the street, it seems that they're stalking a new target." Mikey said, trailing the Entity down with his sniper.

"Good. When the target opens the door to the school, Shoot. Do not hesitate, and do not miss."

"Roger." He said, inserting a bullet into his Sniper and loading it.

He waited and waited until the Entity got closer and closer to the school building, until it finally was reaching it's arm out to open the door.

Mikey shot.

The entity stopped the bullet and turned to look at the direction from where it came from, making eye contact directly with Mikey.

His eyes widened and he tightened his hold on the gun, he could only hope that those government slaves would hurry up.

"Retreat, The Hunting Dogs have arrived."

Mikey fled the scene, allowing The Hunting Dogs to handle the rest.

"What a cruel thing you are, going after the Teachers of the elementary school's when they have done nothing to you." A female said, dropping down the roof.

"I agree, things like you deserve no mercy." Another voice said.

"Let them never breathe or get to see the sun again." A man said, with a glint in his eyes.

All four hunting dogs attacked the Entity.

The Entity was sliced in half.

"..Keep your guard up. I don't think this monster would go down so easily." Fukuchi said, getting his sword ready to wield.

He was right, the Entity regenerated and stood up, turning to look at the Hunting Dogs.

The Entity lifted their hand up, and the Hunting Dogs being the disciplined soldiers they are, waited to see what the thing was going to do.

"Fukuchi..Tetcho..Teruko..Jono.." It said in a broken voice.

It launched to go after Teruko, which took everyone off guard. The Hunting Dogs have fast reflexes, and for them to be taken off guard by the Entities speed, means that this Individual is going too fast for the eye to catch.

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