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"Good morning sleeping beauty."

Akutagawa sat up and looked at the coat covering him, It was your black coat that you gave to him.

"Now that you're awake after you know passing out, I have some questions for you Akutagawa." You said sitting down in front of him "Firstly, what happened to Gin?"

"Gin was ordered by the Boss to be his personal body guard." He said "Gin couldn't say no, so she agreed."

You nodded, now was the time to bring up the speculation you had.

"Akutagawa, Did you and Gin assassinate Mori?" You said cutting right to the chase.

He narrowed his eyes at you before sighing "I should've known you would've already figured it out, but yes we did."

You stayed quiet, that means the theory you made was right.

"What is it that Dazai wants with me?"

"That's.." Akuatagwa said hesitating "The Boss talks to me a lot about you teacher, he talks to Gin and I a lot actually." He said "He doesn't believe you died, he thinks you are still alive."

They think you're actually dead?

"I think he misses you." He said finally finding the words "He always talked about how you might've reacted to this or that, how much your bickering used to annoy him, and sometimes even tell Gin and I story's about you and Dazais missions, or predicaments." He said.

Your shoulders relaxed ever so slightly, so there is no bad blood between you and Dazai then.

"He also has a spot reserved just for you, his right hand women."


"He also says how he'd never let you put yourself in danger like that again."

Nevermind then.

"I don't need protecting." You said "I am perfectly capable of handling myself and deciding when I am and am not in danger."

"But remember when I had to protect you a couple mon-"

"That was planned, kiddo." You said shaking your head "I had to let him win so you could learn to wield your barrier, otherwise you may have never gotten it."

"Planned? You'd take a beating for me to learn how to wield my ability?" He said widening his eyes.

"Yeah?" You said like it was nothing "Its no big deal honestly.."

It was quiet for a moment before you shot up suddenly, scaring Akutagawa.

"Kid as much as I would love to speak to you, I realized I have royally fucked up." You said gritting your teeth "That goddamn police officer knows I'm alive, meaning they will update my status." you threw a punch at the wall and crushed the brick.

Akutagawa shuddered, this part of you was scary. You were always happy and easy going, and seeing you irritated and raged was uncomfortable to see.

"Do you want my help? I can destroy the cameras while you go and fetch that police officer." He said coughing "You should've let me finish him off anyways, he was a witness to me assassinating the head."

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now