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There was no way it stopped by itself

You looked at Dazai straight in the eye smirking "Bastard, what is it that you want?"

He feigned hurt "Chuuya why would I ever mess with the elevator sys-"

"Because you're Dazai." You said cutting him off, honestly unimpressed with his failed attempt at trying to have some leverage on you.

He however, had a blank face and was dully staring at you.

"Are you really Chuuya?"

You scowled at him "You're feelings of suspicion are valid but I've already proven to you that I'm me you waste of bandages."

He reeled back in disgust, shock covering his face.

"You- did the ability change something in you?! Chuuya would never say that."

You raised a brow at him, getting fed up with his bullshit.

"You're annoying." You said sighing and bringing yourself to the middle.

"Hey Dazai.." you said catching his attention.

"What?" He said irritated

"Rot in hell and never bother me again." You said opening the elevator escape at the top, quickly shutting it and climbing up the elevator.

"Chuuya!" You heard him scream from inside, and you sighed turning around "What??"

"Catch me if you can~"

The goddamn elevator was falling.

Your eyes widened and you quickly dropped yourself to the falling elevator, the speed was increasing and you knew you had to do something.

You touched the elevator, and prayed your ability worked on it.

You made the elevator as light as a feather, so the impact was never there.

You quickly opened the latch, and saw Dazai staring at you with wide eyes.

"You really are my sheepdog, Huh?"

You gritted your teeth and you couldn't hold back the irritation you've been feeling for Dazai all day.

You jumped inside the elevator and shut the latch.

Like a lion about to pounce on its prey, you slowly made your way to Dazai who was in the corner of the elevator.

"You know..funny Suicide attempt.." you said grabbing Dazais tie and pulling him to your level "You ever tried being strangled by a women? Cause I'll be glad to be the first."

His eyes widened when he felt you start adding pressure.

'I finally got you, Dazai.'

You wrapped your hands around his throat and started strangling him, also berating him at the same time with insults.

"You shitty bastard, what kind of creep waits for me to get home only to attempt to trap me in the elevator?!"

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now